Life of a Middle Schoolgirl (intro)

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Hi there. I do not know why you wanted to read this book. It is going to be boring any way. So, you have your reasons.

Oi. I am Ellen Keyes. I am 13. And in middle school. 8th grade. An average student. My best friends are Alex and Marie. The are my best friends since sixth grade. My other best friend is my neighbor. Well she used to live there with her grand mother but now she lives with her mother and stepfather. She visits her grandmother most of the time so I see her. She has been my life long friend since we were three.

I lost my father at the age of two. My mother and I started living in a small apartment very far away from where i am living now. We lived there until I completed second grade. When coming to third grade,I moved to my mothers family house -with my aunts,cousins,uncle,grandmother- whiles my mother still lived at the old place due to her law school. But she later on moved with me after some months. I attended a new school when I moved to the family house,which is the school I am going to tell you about.

Eventually I found myself writing the promotional exams to be going to junior high school (middle school). First year came and passedand now in grade eight or jhs two. Our first term has been full of  sh!t. We wrote our midterm exams and I tell you,the score I got for math was ugly. Now three weeks after mid terms. Three weeks till end of term exams. Just on my gadgets reading on wattpad and listening to music. No studying. It bothers me but when ever I learn nothing gets into my head. So when exams is up I just cramp everything in my head and end up getting a terrible mark.

My family makes it even worse. They will never give you any words of encouragement or even help with my studies. They will just insult me and make me feel miserable. I try not to let they'rewords get to my heart but when ever I try it seems harder by the minute. Later on then I feel depressed. I have been my own psychiatrist and diagnosed myself with DEPRESSION. I sometimes have thoughts of running away and go and look for a job some where far way. Or sometimes just kill my self. Yeah. I have been contemplating on suicide. When ever I see a knife and I am so depressed, I just want to plunge it in me and end all. Too much stress.

But then when I think of my friends and my mother and brother and my favorite Aunty, at how they will feel when they see I have killed my self and how sad they are going to be I just say no. I have always wanted to go to heaven. If I commit suicide I will not go(a bit religious here). And I am a Christian. When ever this thought comes to my head,I just say 'devil leave me alone.' Then for awhile it goes away...... any ho.. don't wanna bore ya in my first chapter of my life so stay tuned for my next chapter......

😽😽😽stay blessed 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 or cursed

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