An everyday struggle

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Ugh, where do I start, so much to say and not enough time in life to say it all, not enough people in life to trust, not enough real people in this world. People think that they matter in life but then they realize that they don't.  I'm one of those people. I'm that person in life that thinks they could make a difference, change the way that people think about them and the world but the truth is I can't do anything right, I used to be able to listen to music and have all my problems go away, I can't even do that anymore, everything I do in life reminds me of what a failure I am, how much I fucked everything up in my goddamn life, I'm the worst at everything nothing i do goes the way I want to. I cant have any friends without driving them away because of the way i am, the way i am keeps me lonely, depressed, and fucking single, i drive everyone away with my craziness. Nobody accepts me the way I am, there just ain't enough space in the world for people like me, the world is reserved for "perfect" people not for different people like me, the world is just a bitch to people like you and me. Nothing will ever be capable of changing that.

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