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I live my life wondering, confused as to who or what I am both as a person and a human being.  Confused as to what i should and shouldn't do.  This life has driven me to almost complete insanity.  I'm confused. I can say it over and over, think it and just nearly believe it.  But the voices in my head won't allow it, they wont allow the thought or the idea to breathe.   Suffocating it in anxiety and stress to the point where it is almost no more.  It becomes nothing more that another body, poisoned to believe in nothing more that what it was taught.

People around me try and help, or at least that's what they believe they're doing.  At this point it has become where I don't know if I'm capable of being helped.

Joy comes in and out of my life like a boomerang swirling around its thrower.   Love and literally every emotion has decided to join in on the "fun," of making my life more miserable than what it already is.

So I plead my case, what am I to do if everything i know has me confused.  Am I supposed to let that be and grow accustomed to my "brand-new" worn out life?  I've gotten to the point where i believe it no longer matters.  The world is just one giant space rock that we're all stuck on whether we like it or not.

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