Chapter 7: The Beginning of the First Day

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~Lauren's POV~

Today is our first official day of school. Last night was great with the party and all, but now it's time to get down to business.

"Let's get down to business, to get our degrees! Study all our books, and then, party!" Briana started singing to the tune of that song from Mulan. Typical. She loves Disney.

"My first class is in ten minutes so I have to go." I told her as I walked out the door. My first class was Math. But it's better to get it done early then having to dread having it all day, am I right?

I walk into the classroom and take a seat towards the back. No one wants to sit in the front. And why would you? I've heard from other students that this teacher likes to spit a lot when he talks. Gross.

I set down my books and other things I need for class and someone sits next to me. "Oh! Hey, Mitch! You have this class too?" He nods his head.

By the way he looks, and the fact that he is breathing heavily, I'm guessing he woke up late, and had to run to class.

~Briana's POV~

Lauren just left for her class. My first one is in three hours. I don't want to have an early class! I decided to go to Starbucks. #typicalwhitegirl ;)

On my way out the door I run into someone. "I'm so sorry!" I tell them, then I look up. Tyler. "I thought we were done meeting like this!" I said laughing.

"Well, I'm sorry if you don't watch where you're going." He says, in a playful way. "So Briana, where are you heading?" He asks.

"I'm going to Starbucks!" I tell him, starting to walk down the hallway. As I'm halfway down, and turn my back to him, I hear footsteps running towards me run behind. "Mind if I tag along?" Tyler asks me.

Hey doods! Hope you enjoyed that chapter, and if you did, be sure to:




Later doods! <3


Falling For Him (MunchingBrotato and BajanCanadian)Where stories live. Discover now