Day 21

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As the sun sets outside of the train car window, I write what will be the final installment to my adventures in Maryland.

So of course I did not die in my sleep after yesterday's events

I did however wake up at around 10 and immediately took a shower and got dressed

We went out and got snacks (at Walmart) and then made our way to the train station

Saw a mcdonalds sign that said "hold off 4 boner$"

As we were sitting in the train station I saw many a hipster

At the moment I am sitting around about 6 people who all going to the same place as me and are constantly making jokes and chatting with my grandmother

So let us all remember the good times we shared on this trip

Like that time I went to Walmart

Or when I went to Walmart

Or that one time we went to the dollar store... and then went to walmart

To all of you who have been with me since the beginning thanks for reading and taking the time to experience what I've gone through

Maybe there will something exciting in the future ^-^

Leave a comment with ideas for things I should write and just maybe I'll do it

But for now I bid you ado

I'm coming home

I'm coming home

Tell the world that I'm coming home

#ontheroadagain #justholdonimcominghome

SkilledFingerz Adventures in MarylandWhere stories live. Discover now