Chapter 1 : Fire

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    Everything is burning, I can hear sounds of metal swords echoing in the castle. The fire creeping in, drawing the smoke inside my mothers room, where I hide from plan site in a shut closet. I'm afriad, I can't breathe, why must I die so young.

  " Please, anyone help me!," I cried scraching against the closet door from the inside, " Ma'ma!, don't leave me here!, I'm scared", but no one heard me. 

  I cried melting down into tears wishing somone would save me from the hell fire outside.                    I could feel the room getting hotter as sweat began to roll down my cheeks. Waves of heat where now in the room, brushing up againest the closet doors.

   I tried to touch the doors but it burned upon my finger tips stinging me. In the back of my mind I knew this was the end. Ma'ma told me, imortals don't die so easily but that was a lie, and now I was going to die in this room. 

   All I could do now was cover my head and pray to myself, hoping in the next life I wouldn't have to die and live in fear.

     I began to sink into despair, I heard a loud crash outside the closet doors. I lifted my head up and tried my best to peek through the cracks, wondering if it was Ma'ma who was going to come save me. 

   My heart began racing fast, I was happy that no one had forgotten me, but when I took a second look at the wasn't ma'ma breaking down the door. A tall dark figure was comming closer to where I hide.

   Covering my mouth with my hands, I moved away from the door, crying again that this person who was trying to find me, was going to kill me to end all my surffering. If I had a choice I would want to be swallowed up by the flames then to be stabbed in the chest. 

  The door flew opened, there was the firgure towering over me. I screamed in fear as I latched myself aganist the back of the closet. The figure took me by the waist with its massive hands, quickly covering my head from the flames.

  In shocked I fought back, pushing away, trying to escape from the tight grip but eventually my eye lids grew heavy and everything around me began to sway and swirl into a dark abyss. 

  In my slumber of darkness there was no hope of living again, is this what it means to truly die after you lived for so long?, where was the promsied land? where is ma'ma?, I miss her and pa'pa where is EVERYONE!

    I looked around, all I cold see was darkness, but a slight smell of sweetness filed the empty space.

   The dark abyss began to slowly disappear as light shined through my dreams. I cracked opened my eyes.

     The bright light blind me, as I covered them with my hands. Slowly rising up opening my  eyes again I took a look at my surroundings. A soft blenaket was covered on top of me and food that was placed next to me.

  The smell was wonderful, my mouth was already watering trying to wipe my mouth from drolling. I haven't had anyting to eat yet...but when was the last time I did eat. I could not remember what day it was or what happened to me. 

   I ate the food that was given out to me and it was best that I have ever tasted, I couldn't stop myself from mouth watering over the plate as I slobbed food into my empty stomach. After I finished my plate I set it aside, drinking the cup of water. 

   This was tasted funny, it was sweet like a surgar cane and had a sweet aroma. I kept drinking the sweet water.  I could drink this all day if I had a gallon of it but aleast it was all gone. Full and replenished I looked out the window. 

     Was all this real?, am I really home?, looking for ma'ma and pa'pa I could not see them. This place was not my home, it was lively and bright.

   looking out down the valley I could see peach trees and a crystal clear river near down by the moutians. Birds flying over head with the beautful sun shimmering down upon the water. I left at ease as if I was in the after life. 

 Then the door opened up slowly,I quickly turned away from the window and  hide under the blanket in fear. Closing my eyes tightly, hoping whoever it was would go away, but as I took a peek from under the blankets, there was a little girl smiling at me holding a basket of fruit in her hands. 

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