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Oh well this did not happen less than 3 days and I can't tag people because I'm afraid they will be angry and ..... stuff. I'm still new and have only been here for a month so cut me some slack aaaand I know no one. So feel free to drop by my pm I don't bite! I would actually love to get to know you all.

Okey let's get started shall we!

1. My bias is Jisung and bias wrecker?? Them all??? I mean they are all coming for me. Like ALL of them. I love them all ;-;

2 my favorite color is pink. I don't care how stereotypical that is I love pink. It's basically white with a tad of red like the blood of my enemies. Hahah just kidding. But seriously it's a great color.

3 I am surprise surprise a girl. I thinking it says that in my bio?? Well no one checks my bio so...

4 I'm pretty small like 160 maybe. Yeah I'm a small boi...

5 I am stanning way to many groups. And in to way to many fandoms.helpme.

6 fave bop is YAYAYA and ROCK ( and young wings , school life) ( BUT GLOW AND MIRROR AND AWAKEN AND 3RD EYE AND DISTRIKT 9 AND HELLEVATOR!!) okey you probably get it now.

7 I love the bass. So cool and sounds awesome and I love it just. I'm currently trying my best to learn to play the bass.

8 I play football( soccer) since I was 6 years old. So for a looong time. And I'm a goal keeper. A bit crazy I know.

9 I also sing in a church choir but I'm not really religious?? I'm trying to figure things out.

10 I love bacon. And food, candy, ice cream etc. by specially bacon. Give em food and I will love you forever. (Unless you kill someone I love or something, you get the picture)

So there was 10 facts about me. Yay??

So I will not drag this out and give you a joke

Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?
Of course, a house doesn't jump at all.

Okey I'm sorry.

For the spoiler I will give you two spoilers, one for each of my books. Because I can and I'm feeling generous.

For Don't stray

Haneul actually knows the one person that is behind the hole in the fence and have known this person her hole life.

For Through the centuries

Minho is going to be Chan's child and Changbin is going to be Woojins nephew that is going to live during the Second World War. And if this confuses you please check it out (I have no shame I'm sorry).

So this is the end of this tag thingy  so I'm going to take this chance to give a quick shoutout to an amazing author and who seems to be really nice isaacskz (sorry of disturbing and if you did not like being tagged just pm me and I will take it away)
This is just me really enjoying his book and feeling like everyone else would enjoy his stories and writing.

Okey a lill authors note. I going to update in this week I hope I will be a bit busy and have really little WiFi so yeaaaah! Hope you had an good day and take care!

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