•pupils reactions•

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"we don't have to do this if you don't feel comfortable with it

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"we don't have to do this if you don't feel comfortable with it."


A raven haired boy and and a redheaded girl trudged through the woods of Green Gables towards the school, hand in hand. The boy carried two sets of school supplies, one slung over his shoulder and one in his non occupied hand, and the girl carried two baskets of lunch. They laughed and talked, the boy would occasionally steal a kiss on the cheek when the girl wasn't paying attention, mostly to get her attention. That would make her face turn as red as her hair, not that the boy would point that out, unless he wanted to get yelled at.

Suddenly the girl stopped dead in her tracks when they reached the clearing that lead to the school house. "Gilbert, we can't do this," she spoke uncertainly.

The boy, Gilbert, replied, "Anne, I understand. But we've been courting for two months now and no one except Marilla, Matthew, and Bash know. Aren't you tired of hiding?"

"I am! I am but what about Ruby? What about the boys-"

"I'll make sure the boys won't lay a finger on you. As for Ruby, she'll get over it. If she can't accept the fact that I make you happy, then maybe you should reconsider your friendship with her. But we don't have to do it if you don't feel comfortable with it."

Anne gazed at him lovingly. "You sure do have a way with words," she breathed."

"Says you, Miss Top of the Class," Gilbert exclaimed, giving her shoulder a playful nudge. "Now, are you ready to do this?"

"Wait, give me my bundle and I'll give you your food back." They made the exchange and then Anne nodded. "Now I'm ready."

Now that their hands were unlinked, they set their milk bottles down in the creek and made their way into the school building. Gilbert, being the gentleman that he is, opened the door for his lady, who responded sarcastically, "How kind of you!" The boy chuckled and followed her in. they hung their coats and hats on the pegs on the wall and walked into the classroom at the same time, gaining everyone's attention.

Apparently class had already begun or was about to because everyone was in their seat, once facing the chalkboard but now facing the couple. Anne subconsciously grabbed onto Gilbert's hand and he gave hers a reassuring squeeze. There were a few collective gasps as people saw that display of affection, which made Mr. Phillips turn around and he saw the boy and the girl standing stalk still.

"Why Mr. Blythe and Miss Shirley, you are barely on time," the teacher announced. His eyes landed on the couples' intertwined hands. "I hope you both didn't have a detour out in the woods."

Gilbert clenched his jaw at that inappropriate comment. And another voice, none other than Billy Andrews, spoke up, "She probably has done it before." Gilbert started to march forward towards where Billy was seated but Anne quickly made sure to hold him back by his arm.

"Mr. Andrews! I will not have that kind of talk in this classroom! About another pupils innocence," warned Mr. Phillips.

"Ironic," whispered Prissy loud enough for Anne to hear. The girl stifled a giggle.

"Mr. Blythe and Miss. Shirley, please take your seats." And they did. Gilbert took his usual seat next to Charlie Sloane and Anne sat next to her best friend, Diana Barry.

"Anne, are you and Gilbert...courting?"
Diana asked in a hushed voice, still filled with excitement and curiosity.

Anne turned to her friend with a huge smile on her face and nodded vigorously. "He asked me two months ago!"

"Two months!" The girl quickly put a hand over her mouth, as that last sentence came out louder than expected. All the girls turned over to look and even some of the boys. Thank heavens Mr. Phillips didn't hear.



Halfway through the day, it started to rain outside, so lunch was held inside the classroom. The girls sat in their usual corner whilst the boys sat at their desks, chatting and eating.

"So is it true that you and Gilbert Blythe are courting each other?" asked Jane before taking a bite of her apple.

"Indeed!" While the girls were supportive, the boys with Gilbert weren't.

"What the hell where you thinking?" exclaimed Billy. "You're dating a freak!"

"She's not a freak, okay? She's smart and sweet and the kindest and wisest person you'll ever meet. Now, I'd be much appreciative if you refrained from talking of Anne like that. You barely know her."

"I don't have to know her to know that you're making a mistake!" By this time, both of the boys' voices had risen to a shout (not that Mr. Phillips cared), which drew the attention of all of the children. The girls started gathering and Anne was about to reach out to calm him down until she heard a remark that made her heart spin.

"Why are you even with her?"

"I love her! That's why!"

849 words

This is actual trash but oh well

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