I Am Rock And Roll

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~ I Am Rock And Roll~

Izzi's POV

“Load up your six-shot baby,

Put it to my head.

Pull the trigger,

Blank it figures,

Put it to me, DEAD!” Danny was screaming out my favorite part of 'I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps A Cowboy King'. I ran up to side stage, dragging Andy with me, and watched my idols perform. It had taken us forever to get to the main stage where AA was playing because Andy had to stop and admire every little thing on the way. I swear to god, he had the attention span of a goldfish. My eyes were glued to my favorite band in the whole world while my mind boggled over the fact that I knew each and every one of them. The fact that Ben Bruce was one of my best friends over the course of 24 hours. Ben was head banging with his white Gibson guitar while playing 'Not The American Average'. All of a sudden he dropped the neck of his guitar and grabbed the microphone in front of him. When he started singing he glanced over at me and smiled. I felt my face split into a grin in return.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Andy smiling at me. I raised my eyebrow questioningly and he just shook his head, smiling away. I furrowed my brow, confused. Shrugging it off, I turned back towards the stage and saw Danny gesturing towards me. I looked at Andy and his face had split into a huge grin. “Go!” he told me. “Danny wants you to sing with him! What are you waiting for?” he pushed me out onto the stage while Danny introduced me to the fans.

“This is the beautiful Izzi Insanity, lead singer of Bleach It Black, and a personal friend of Asking Alexandria. I want you all to scream for her!” Danny yelled into the mic, while Ben motioned for me to come over to him.

“You can use my mic.” he smiled at me. “Do you know the words to Someone, Somewhere?”

“I would be a terrible excuse for a fan if I didn't!” I smirked at him and took his mic, detaching it from its stand. “Hello, London! How many of you saw my band play?” some people screamed. I smiled and turned to Danny, putting a hand on my hip. “So, Mr. Worsnop, to what end have you brought me onto your stage?” I asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

“To play a fucking song!” he replied in a duh tone.

“Well, are you going to enlighten me as to which song we'll be singing?” I asked.

Danny looked at the crowd, “Do any of you wankers know Someone, Somewhere?!” the crowd screamed and he looked at me pointedly. I just laughed.

“Danny, there's no girl parts!” I said exasperatedly.

“I should hope not!” Ben hollered from the other side of the stage. I had walked towards Danny while we were talking.

“What are you talking about Ben?!” Danny said into the microphone, “You LOVE lady parts! Anyhow, darling,” Danny addressed me, “you can sing the whole thing!” he looked pretty proud of himself for coming up with that solution.

“But Danny, these fans came here to hear you sing these songs, not me!” I told him.

“Fiiiiiine, we'll sing the whole thing together.” he grumped.

It dawned on me then, his reasoning for this 'duet', “You're tired aren't you Danny!? You're tired, fat, and out of breath! That's why you want me to sing this song, huh?!” I laughed and pointed at him, “FATTY, FATTY, FATTY!!!” I chanted.

“You, madam, are a bitch!” Danny said.

“Why thank you, and you are fat!” I replied smiling. All the rest of the guys were laughing their asses off, including Andy, who I know noticed had my favorite bandana tied around his neck. When the hell did he get that!? Oh, he was gonna pay. Dearly. I turned to Ben, “so, you want to start up the riff anytime soon, so fatty over there and I can start singing?” he just smirked and started playing.

“Even though I'm on my own,

I know I'm not alone,

cause I know there's someone, somewhere

praying that I make it home.

So here's one from the heart,

my life right from the start,

I need a home sweet home

to call my own.” I sang and then Danny started singing with me. We sang the rest of the song and the crowd cheered. Ben ran up and hugged me and then I left the stage to watch the rest of their set from side stage beside Andy, who's eyes never left me. Danny and Ben kissed. At some point Danny tackled Ben to the ground but they always kept playing.

I was so content where I was, watching my favorite band from side stage, standing next to an incredibly gorgeous man who seemed to enjoy being here, and just living life with music to the fullest. This is what it was to be a rock star. Hang out with your friends all day, play music and party all night.

“Hey, I just realized, I never asked you, how old are you?” Andy asked me suddenly.

I glanced over at him, “oh, um, I'm twenty. Twenty-one in two months!” I grinned. “how old are you?” I asked back.

He looked away and ruffled his hair nervously, “i'm nineteen.” he chuckled.

“oh, cool!” I smiled at him. “when's your birthday?”

He laughed cynically, “in December.”

“Oh, Damn, that sucks...” I said sympathetically. “not too close to Christmas is it?” I asked.

“Fucking day after.” he said, pulling out a cigarette. “want one?” he offered his pack.

“eh, why the hell not? Alcohol's gonna kill me anyway,” I smiled grabbing a cigarette and lighting it. “what time is it?” I asked, blowing out smoke.

He whipped out his phone, “um, 6:39. the barbeque will be soon!” he said face lighting up at the thought of food. Or was it alcohol? Either was good for me!

“Can't wait for tonight!” I grinned like a maniac. “it's gonna be one hell of a party!”

“Damn straight!” Ben yelled in my ear, wrapping me up in a sweaty hug.

“Oh god Ben! Get off of me you wanker!” I squirmed out of his hug and we all made our way towards the buses, grabbing beer along the way.

* * * * * * *

Alright my loves. I know, it's a fairly short filler chapter, but the next one is gonna be funnier than hell. The next one was the chapter I had planned on writing, but this is what happened... but hey! You should all run and deliver a giant bag of cheese to the wonderful KaylenJohnson, because she was the person who threatened my life! She's the reason you get this chapter right now! So Kaylen, here's the update. Would you kindly call off the ninjas that are attacking my window? Thank you, much love all! Cheese for everyone! But mostly for Kaylen! Sammi OUT!


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