Chapter One: Artist Rogue

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Hello just a note from the author please don't forget to leave your comments and I will try to answer back. It just leaves me to say thanks for reading. Author out for now.

Mina's POV:
So I'm a rogue wolf and everything that comes with it.

I don't have a pack or a home or friends or family or a mate but I do have one thing and that is my art.

I am one of the best werewolf graffiti artist in this whole town probably not the world I mean my works not that good but I can say this I have never been caught.

My work is often about wolves what can I say it's in my blood plus, my wolf Cheetah would complain.

Yeah my wolf is called Cheetah but it's mostly because she fast and I have very light golden fur.

How else do you think I get away if I'm ever chased.

My life before being a rogue was far worse then this trust me, being a street rogue wolf is fine for me honest. I'm not the type of girl or wolf to lie around waiting of a night in shining armour I'm no damsel.

I don't want money or pity or charity. I don't sit on the streets or mope around I hate it so I discover my flare for art.

So when I wasn't running in my wolf I was creating.

My art is everything it's all I have in this world and I wouldn't change that for all the money in the world.

So how the hell do I pay for all my spray paint well I know a nice little old man called Paul.

No he hasn't got a brother or a friend or knows anyone named Peter and he wasn't called Saul.

Anyway Paul has a grandson who is not allowed to spray paint but that doesn't stop him from buying them so when he comes to stay Paul would ask me to take him around when I do my art and then I can use the spray paint.

So your probably wondering why I don't just stay with Paul well I said I didn't want to, I couldn't it was not far so I stay on the streets or in a cave.

Now that is said your probably wondering how the hell am I still standing. Well yes this land is owned by a pack the Crest Sun Pack.

So I have to mask my scent which isn't too bad I mean I'm mostly covered in spray paint. Of course it's still hard to hid away from them they are everywhere.

I mostly stay out of the way it's safer that way and it means I don't upset them.

Today was no different I went over to Paul's but his grandson wasn't feeling well so I went alone.

"Thanks for the paint Paul I hope Johnny gets well soon."

After I left, I went to my 'walls' I have several, well three. I know an alley way isn't the best place to work but it's better for me personal. I work very hard on my work and I'd like it to stay the way I left it.

Six hours later.

I always start work at ten and finish at four and this particular piece took me four days.

I stood against the opposite wall staring at my third and finally masterpiece.

'It is beautiful Min.'

Yes it is Cheat it's probably the best yet.

I lent down to gather my things when three shadows grew over me.

Before I had anytime to react or even thing one of the hit me and darkness consumed me as I hit the floor.

Seth's POV:
Jack, Leo and I were walking around the rugged part of the town. As Beta I have standards to keep up.

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