Part 1

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"Mama can I go play with the little boy next door while you unpack?" 5 year old Jolie said to her mom. They had just moved in next door to the Barnes family it was just her and her mom as her dad recently passed away and they moved back to Savannah Georgia. 

"Sure sweetie you play nice." Susan said to her little girl and then she little red headed curls bounce as she ran outside to play. 

"Hi I'm Jolie I live next door to you." Jolie said to the little boy that was playing outside

"Hi I'm you want to play with me? I have a tree house that has colors and coloring books." Bucky said to her.

"Sure I love to color!." Jolie exclaimed and she followed him through the gate to his backyard. Jolie climbed up into his tree house and she said "Oh I love your treehouse. I use to have a treehouse at my old house." 

"Where is your old house?" Bucky said 

"Oh it's really far away.." Jolie said 

They started to color in his treehouse and he said "Jolie will you be my friend?"

"Yes I will be your friend." Jolie said with a smile 

They colored some more and her mom knocked on Bucky's front door and said "Hi I'm Susan I believe my daughter Jolie is playing with your son." 

"Hi Susan I'm Winnie and yes she's adorable by the way they are in his treehouse coloring. I gave her some apple juice I hope that was ok." Winnie said

"oh that's fine that's her favorite juice. I was just making sure she was ok she hadn't come back over in awhile. I'm still trying to get unpacked." Susan said 

"She's fine..they have been in there all day just coloring and playing cars." Winnie said 

Susan smiled and said "Well I'm glad she's made a friend already I hate that we had to move after she made friends at preschool but it had to be done after her daddy passed." 

"Oh no she's not mentioned her daddy." Winnie said

"She doesn't fully understand that daddy isn't coming home. He was in the army and we had to move and I decided it was best to move back to Savannah where I grew up." Susan said 

Meanwhile in the treehouse "Hey Jolie do you like ice cream?" Bucky said 

"Oh yes ice cream is my favorite!" she said

"There is an ice cream truck that comes down our road around the time the sun goes down we can get us an ice cream if you mama doesn't mind." he said to her 

"Oh yay!" she exclaimed

He smiled at her and said "I like your hair Jolie it's so curly and red."

She smiled at him and said "Thank you Bucky." 

A few hours later they heard the bell of the ice cream truck and they both got out of the treehouse and Jolie saw her mama sitting with Winnie and said "Mama mama can I get an ice cream please." 

"Sure sweetie." Susan said as she hands her little girl some money for an ice cream. Bucky grabs her hand and said "Come on we gotta hurry." they went running down the sidewalk to the truck and got their ice creams. They walked back to his house and he was still holding her hand and he said "I'm so glad you moved next door. I don't get to see my friends from preschool cause they don't live close to me. Now I already have a friend when kindergarten starts." 

She smiled and said "Me too..I don't know anybody yet." 

Winnie smiled and said "Susan come here and look." as they saw Bucky and Jolie holding hands and eating their ice cream. "They are so cute together. I'm so glad she has atleast one person she knows when school starts." 

When it got dark Susan said "Ok Jolie it's time to go home sweetie you can play more with Bucky tomorrow ok." 

"Ok." she said and she hugged Bucky and said "Thanks for letting me play in your treehouse I had a lot of fun. I'm glad you are my friend." 

"Me too..Bye Jolie." Bucky said 

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