Chapter 69

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It woke him up, pulled him from his nightmare. Eyes wide open, he stared at the ceiling, watching the shadows the curtains cast there.

Shadows. His young heart hurt. He didn't know why.

It was peaceful here, warm. His eyelids started to fall closed, the drowsy day pulling him under again. Then a shriek of laughter came through the window, and the door burst open.

There were five of them. Four boys, one girl. His brothers. His sister. Not one of them was missing a smile.

His sister laughed and ran to the bed, bouncing up and down once before tackling him in a ragtag hug full of small, gangly limbs and a delighted grin.

"Careful," said a gentle voice, feminine, laughter in her tone. His sister smiled bashfully and clambered down. He stared.

A woman sat at the end of the bed. He hadn't seen her come in, so she must've been there before, and he hadn't noticed her. Her eyes were blue, but green, too, a swirl of crystal color. Hair that was the slightest bit too dark to be blond was swept over one shoulder. Her face was all soft lines and a tender look.

"Mama?" He almost couldn't say it. He wasn't sure why.

Her smile was the gentlest thing he'd ever seen.

And suddenly, he remembered. And didn't. Pushing himself up to sit, he wrinkled his brow. "Mama, where am I?"

Her fingers touched his cheek, and he closed his eyes. It stirred something in his chest, bittersweet pain and a feeling that he'd lost something precious in coming here.

"Oh, Sammy," his mother said, almost tearful. "You're home."

The Amulet Of Nicmir (The Scripts Of Neptune, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now