A Sonnet for the Hurting Spirit

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  The pain of your past can't be washed away

Eas'ly, as if it hadn't been there at all.

Leaves a scar on the heart that bleeds ev'ryday

For the chance to forget the screams, your fall

  From the piece of mind that ne' was to be.

You're frustrated with the cards you've been dealt;

In those cards lie the source of hate, the key

To all the pain, all the rage you have felt.

  I know it's not my place to advise you, 

But dear reader... you've been hurt for far too long.

You've let the hurt lead you in what to do.

It's time to cast hurt from you... to be strong!

      Do not forget the pain that brought you here, 

      But to it, don't dare let your joy adhere.

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