My Blind Boyfriend: Their growing feelings

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~Mikasa's POV~

It was Thursday. How fast this week had went by was totally beyond me, but what still remained was the unwelcoming melancholy feeling drilling into my chest when I walk in the gifted classroom each time and spotted Historia propped over the desk that Eren sat behind, elbows digging into the wooden surface as that innocent coy smile plays a seductive role on her face. Her blonde hair falling elegantly in sync with every movement she made to either inch herself closer to the brunette or sound more compelling.

For some reason I was kind of glad Eren was blind because how hard she was trying to swoon him over was already much of a cringy show for me alone to stomach. While she had been flirtatiously alluring in the sound of the blind teen's ear for the few hours from the start of the day, I had been amiably helping out every special teen that requested for help during independent lessons. There were a few who wanted Historia thinking her teaching ways were better, but I wasn't complaining.

It didn't really hurt having a partner to help me out since a whole hour alone was tiring enough; Annie keeping me up all night in my room made me even more fatigued.

When gym rolled around we had spent the hour outside: Miss Ral proposed the idea of getting some fresh air from the exuding but eager teens who were impatiently passing off the remaining hour by accompanying any friends or playing a sport. No one protested since getting air in the cloudy but thick humid weather wasn't all that bad, and though it gave off a gloomy feeling it was more chill in my opinion.

In assent to the zephyr winds, Petra had brought out flowering seeds of different varieties for the students to plant just for the fun of it.

Me liking to see the gifted students smile and try new things smiled endearingly as I watched them all plant and care for the seeds themselves. Some of them knew how to plant flowers whilst others needed some aiding support.

"They are all smiling so big" I had mentioned to Petra when I finished assisting one of the students and sat on a nearby bench in front of the students where the orange haired older women sat with her clipboard in her lap. She gives me a genuine smile, her cheeks tinted a light pink when she diverts her head to me.

"They all like to do things that they never get to do on a regular basis" She hums before turning back to her group of children. I watched as she kept her gaze fixated on them, obviously enjoying the sight of her students planting multiple seeds into the pots within the school's greenhouse. "Seeing them smile is why I like being their teacher. No one ask to be born with defects or mental complications, so the best thing to make them do is smile while they still can" Petra muses before tilting her head over a bit into Eren's direction.

I directed my gaze over to him as well, watching as Historia guided his hand to one of the well grown plants and allows his fingers to tour the organism. My heart clenched at the sight and as much as I tried averting my eyes I knew I couldn't. My eyes remained glued to him.

He just happy. Seeing him smile made me smile.

"He doesn't have the disabilities like others do, but his lack in sight is the only thing keeping him from being in a classroom like yours...I am not saying he can obtain his sight again but someone needs to be the glow in his eyes" She giggles softly, her cheeks reddening when she says this. Now my smile faltered.

My lips twitched uncomfortably as I watched Eren's smile curl up into a bigger one, and he laughs at something Historia tells him before assisting another student then returning to his side. I knew it was worth seeing him smile in the end, but was it really worth me feeling this way? I clicked my teeth at my ignorance.

"Of course it does Mikasa...don't be so selfish, he deserves to be happy and you aren't even dating him! I refuse to let my" I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment at the thoughts and images my mind was creating. I was not going to lose another argument with Annie and bid her the winner of me having feelings for the blind teen. I just wouldn't.

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