Chapter 1

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(s/n) = sibling name
(f/a) = favourite song
(f/c) =favourite colour
(s/f/c) = second favourite colour
~(y/n) POV~
I was laying on my bed playing a game on my phone when my door flung open. "(Y/N) I need you to watch your sister/brother. I got called into work and I don't know how long I will be. There are a lot of patients in another hospital and we are taking some of them because the other hospital is crowded as it is." mom said. She doesn't get called in too often with her being so new to the hospital and being a doctor in general. You see she had me about a year after she graduated high school and (S/N) isn't my full sister/brother but that's not important right now. Let's get back to the story. "OK mom. I'll see you when you get back." I said back as my very light (e/c) eyes drifted back to my phone. "(s/n) should be asleep already but please check on them soon." mom said as she left without closing the door.

~time skip~

It's been a couple of hours since mom left and I was getting a bit bored. I grabbed a jacket and looked into (s/n)'s room and saw them in bed asleep. I then grabbed my set of (f/c) throwing knives and my (s/f/c) switch blade from my room and put each into one of the pockets of my (f/c) hoodie {the jacket not the cp}. I put in my (s/f/c) earbuds in and started listening to my (f/s). I went into the forest behind our house and decided to get some practice in. Now  supposedly these woods are haunted and people who go in don't come out. But I didn't really pay attention to that. But maybe I should have because after about five minutes or so I got the feeling that I was being watched and my phone started to play white noise and glitch soon after. I put my phone in my back pocket along with my earbuds and continued walking deeper into the woods anyway forgetting why I came in here in the first place. After a few more minutes I see a dog with what looks like blood on its body laying not far from the path I was walking so me being the animal lover that I am {sorry if you aren't a lover of animal life but just pretend ok}, I went over to see what was wrong. But as I got close some one jumped behind me. Slowly I turned around to see who it was and was startled and scared because the boy now in front of me had white skin a bit paler than mine, long unkept black hair, a white hoodie stained with what was most likely blood, a wide smile cut into his face, and it looked like he had no eyelids! Not to mention the fact that he had a big bloody kitchen knife in his hand! Oh wait he's not the only one with a weapon cause I have my switch blade. I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed it not yet taking the blade out. He saw this and slashed at me but I ducked out of the way and swung my leg out knocking the guy onto the ground. As he took a bit to recover from that I flipped out my blade and lunged at him but he rolled out of the way and got up again and started attacking me causing me to back away from him and trip over the dog that I saw earlier. But now I could tell that it was a red and black husky with a weird and kinda creepy almost human smile. It then pounced onto me as the boy was coming over. Then everything went black . . .

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know of any spelling errors! Also I'm sorry if the fight isn't that good im just not good at writing fight scenes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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