Chapter 2 - The Gotei Thirteen

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zabuton - floor cushions / onmitsukidō - Stealth Force


DAY 2 -

Your father had called for you in the meeting room the morning after. The servant waited patiently as you rubbed your tired eyes, forcing them open as you stood up and stretched. Once your muscles and brain were fully awake, you felt the most refreshed you had in days, grateful for the deep sleep you had succumbed to last night.

Once you dressed yourself, the servant led you to the meeting room. He slid the door open, and as you entered you asked, "You called, father?"

"Ah yes, [Name]. Take a seat." He gestured towards the zabuton in front of him, in which you promptly took a seat on. Your father's gentle smile was as benevolent as ever, a warming beacon that greeted you daily. A set of steaming hot tea rested on the floor between the both of you, an herbal aroma with a hint of apricot permeating the morning air. "This is nothing of great import, so you can relax a bit, my dear."

Your shoulders fell once you realized how taut your muscles were. The circumstances were reminiscent of when he had called you a week ago to inform you of the arranged marriage, which had caught you completely off guard at the time.

"Your mother told me that you met with the young Lord Kuchiki yesterday," he said as he poured two cups of tea.

"Yes, father." You reached for your cup, relishing the warmth as you cradled it with your fingers.

"Nothing went wrong, I presume?" There was nothing accusatory about his tone; your father always gave others the opportunity to admit wrongdoings before he found out through other means. He merely wanted to teach his children that it was much more honorable to own up and be proactive about mistakes than to hide shamefully.

"Of course not, father."

"I'm glad to hear it." His approval, though not difficult to achieve, was always welcomed. Even as a young child, you always wanted your father to praise every single thing you did, trifle or not. "Although I'm sure you're aware, I only feel obligated to remind you how beneficial this marriage will be for our clan."

"I understand, father," you reassured with a smile.

"You seem to be handling this whole situation much better than I had expected," he said curiously, raising his brows. You blushed, and he did not miss the way you averted your eyes for just a second. "It is truly a blessing when a genuine romance is born of an arranged marriage. I'm overjoyed that you enjoy the young Kuchiki's company."

"Hehe, that obvious?" you asked with a twinge of embarrassment.

He responded with a knowing smile. "You wear your emotions on display as you'd wear an outfit." He took a sip of his tea before he continued, "Now, for the matter at hand. You will be visiting the Kuchiki Manor every other day."

"Yes, father." You took care not to look too eager, though you knew he noticed anyway from the way his eyes softened.

"I'm grateful to have a daughter like you, [Name]. I know you will grow to do wonderful things."

"Thank you so much, father," you beamed, bowing your head. Though your father was highly respected by his subordinates and colleagues, he never truly cared for the superfluous nature of noble culture. Regardless, you wanted to show your appreciation for the patience and leniency he has granted you throughout your life.

"Now then, I heard Shihōin-san had plans for you today."

You furrowed your brows and tilted your head before realizing what your mentor had been promising for weeks. "Ah, really?" You couldn't contain the excitement in your voice. "Where is she now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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