The Secret Deadline. Chapter 1.

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That Day.

Chapter 1

[125 Days]

"Miss Jessica....

Miss Jessica....


It's time to wake up," Mary said as she opened the curtains of my room.

It was 6:30am on a beautiful Monday morning. The sunrays were reflecting against the multiple mirrors in my room, making it look like a kaleidoscope was shimmering flecks of gold around my room. I had always liked Mondays. It meant the weekend was over and I hated the weekends. They always consisted of multiple parties, endless guest who came dressed in hundred-dollar shoes and thousand-dollar dresses. And the worst part was that my job was to kindly great all the guests and act like an angel. However, there was always the concern about the secret, and keeping it was the most exhausting thing in the world. After making my presence known and eating a few bites, I always excused myself using an excuse like needing the restroom or something and would retreat to my quarters. If I was successful in escaping without getting caught, then I would have an enjoyable few hours to myself in the quiet calmness of my fort. It was a welcomed escape from a stuffy, overcrowded, and loud ballroom.

Other weeks my parents would be invited to attend parties, galas, or charity events hosted by this rich and famous person or the other. On weekends like these, they would go leaving me at home accompanied by the workers and lots of silence. On days like those, I would wander around the house looking at the paintings of Picasso and Van Gogh and their likes hanging in the hallways. Then, I would go through the huge closets of clothes my mother had. I always appreciate the art of fashion and loved to closely examine the intricate stitching's and designs of all the beautiful designer dresses my mom owned.

On days like those, it didn't matter which direction I strolled, I always ended up at the same place, The Library. The Library is a huge room with a very Victorian theme. The walls have floor to ceiling vintage wood shelved designed with intricate detail. There were also stairs to help you reach the top shelves. The ceiling was created to give you the impression that you walked into the Queens palace. And the rest of the room was just as amazing. My dad had spent a long time designing and perfecting this room and he examined it every day while it was being built so that it would be perfect.. and it was. I loved this room because there where so many books from all over the world and so many places to hide while reading them.

However, this was not an ordinary Monday....


Hi everyone!!! Thank you so much for reading this book i am writing. This is my first time do any advice is welcome. 

What did you think of the first chapter??? Please let me know in the comments.

 Okay Poll time!!!

Should i name the book 

a) THAT Day

b) The Secret Deadline

Please let me know. Thank You :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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