Chapter Two

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After school we all got into Derek and Drake’s car and drove back to our house to squeeze in one last band practice before my Dad took us to the old abandoned theater in town that had been converted into an underage club.

“Thank you all so much for taking time out of your lives to come see us tonight. It means a lot. Before you go though I’d like to thank my friends starting off with Derek Greene on lead guitar and backing vocals. Drake Greene on bass, Craig Matthews on rhythm and finally my brother Oli Iero on drums. My name is Ashley Iero; we are Lives of the Damned! Thank you and goodnight.”

I left the stage and walked into the backstage area, sitting down on the couch and taking a bottle of water that Derek handed me.

“Great job guys and Derek, that little backing guitar before The Only Reason… that was freaking’ epic!” I told him, giving him a high five.

“So, Ashley, how does it feel, knowing you’ve been signed to Hopeless?”

“What are you talking about crazy? We haven’t been signed… have we?”

I sat up straighter and looked around me, confused.

“That’s what Frank and I were talking about this morning in the car. I didn’t believe him about it but then we got into school and I talked to Craig.” My brother told me with a grin.

“Yeah, we got a space on the All Time Low and My Chemical Romance tour!” Drake squealed.

Yes you read that right; Drake did an all out fan girl squeal.

“No way!”

“Yes way!” Craig also gave me a high five.

“But wait, I thought that it was the All Time Low tour… how did we get on that?” I asked, confused.

I know that my brother is in My Chemical Romance but I also know that the supporting bands don’t really have any say in the matter usually.

“Actually, Ashley, I have a confession to make. The reason you got a place on that tour is because Alex is my brother.” Tiffany spoke up.

It was clear that she really had no idea as to how we were all going to respond to that because she looked surprised to see us all turn to glare at her and my hands to clench into tight fists.

“Alex Gaskarth is your brother is he?”

She nodded.

“Oh, that’s nice to know. Thanks for telling us, letting us know beforehand, oh wait!”

“Look I’m sorry! It’s just that…”

“It’s just what Tiffany? Tiff, we’ve known you for years! What did you think we were going to do?” Craig asked her, his voice rising.

“But I…”

“No, Tiffany I told you who Frank is the same day that I met you because I trusted you. Your brother wasn’t even famous when we met!” I yelled at her.

“I’m sorry.” She mumbled. “I’m sorry to all of you.”

She got up and walked out of the room, Drake following close behind and sending us all quick glares.

“Hello? Are you guys Lives of the Damned?” a voice asked from the doorway.

I was still mad and so was no longer facing the door; I recognized the voice but couldn’t quite place it.

“Cool, I’m Zack Merrick, the bassist for All Time Low, we’re here to do a ‘get-to-know’ session.”

I finally turned around and my eyes widened while my jaw hit the ground. I could just about understand what was going on around me but I had zoned out for the most part, I was just sitting and staring at the four boys who slowly filtered in. Frowning when Drake reappeared with his right arm slung around Tiffany’s shoulders.

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