Tearing up

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Cassie's P.O.V
KNOCK KNOCK. I slammed my fists against the oak door.
"Let me in" I hollered "LIKE NOW".

Dean's P.O.V
Aha. She ran like the true little bitch she is, she does this a lot.. i think. I don't really pay attention to her , she's irrelevant, stupid, petty and a down right smack head like her mum.
Don't piss me off or you'll end up six feet under.

Sorry this is short, this holiday I'm planning on writing more especially since I have like 4 hours in a car. Yay! Anyway please enjoy and leave comments/ vote. If you have any ideas please leave them in the comments.

Opposites attractTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang