When the MC Forgives Way TOOOOO Easily

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Cliche #4 - When the main character is too forgiving

The MC's s/o or friend does something so stupid that makes the readers angry but then the main character just easily forgives them.


"Woah, Billy, you just killed my boyfriend!!!!!!!" Susan yelled as she stared at her boyfriend's lifeless body.

"Sorry, Susan, I just love you so much and I get jealous when I see you with him," Billy said sweetly as he dropped the gun and wrapped Susan in a hug. "Please forgive me, I won't do it again. I promise."

Susan sighed and said with a smile, "I forgive you and now we'll live happily ever after even though you just murdered my boyfriend that I loved."




Like uhhhh, wtf, no. CALL THE POLICE!

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