You Sure You're Not A Newbie? A Roxas Kingdom Hearts One-Shot.

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“Hey…. Hey, Ruxkia…. Wake up…” I can hear Xion’s voice shaking me from my sleep.

I immediately sat up in my bed, disheveled hair and that.

“I…. I had this….. crazy dream….” I manage to say, making her scratch her head a bit.

“Why don’t you tell me about it, then?”

“Well,…. Wait… Don’t…. laugh, K?”

“What makes you think I’ll… laugh…?” Xion said as she managed to frown exaggeratedly at me.

“We were all…. Wearing black cloaks…. And… A boy with a HUGE key started beating us!.... And then Roxas!.... He…. Umm….”

“He, what?”

Before I could answer, Xion cut me off by giving her own opinion about it without me even asking for it.

“Psh! Huge keys…. How could people with huge keys beat us? No less, a boy?! They’ll like… unlock our bodies and take our hearts or something?” Xion said, insulting my dream.

“Hmmm…. Something like that…. Besides…. It IS a dream, you know” I said, making her lose her expression and finally shutting her up.

With that, Axel came in the room, telling us that breakfast’s ready. I immediately jumped out of my bed to change, noticing that I may be the only person in pajamas now.

“No time to change, Ruxkia! Come on!” Axel said as he takes my arm before I could even go to the bathroom.

“You too, Roxas!!” Axel said as he gets out of our room and grabs Roxas at his room.

Roxas still had his pajamas on, same as me. But only he still had a toothbrush in his mouth, foaming on his lips. How adorable he looked…. With his thunderbolt pajamas and matching hat.

He managed to smile at my racecar pajamas and…. Fluffy bunny slippers as Axel carried us down the hallway.

And did I mention that we’re staying at a hotel? Since Xemnas decided the apartment to be “renovated”, we chose this place to crash and kill the time.

I can hear Xion panting behind me as she tried to catch up with us.

“S-slow down!” she said, now running after us.

I pulled my tongue out at her and released myself from Axel’s grip.

“Oh, crap….” I heard Roxas say as his toothbrush was now on the ground because of Axel’s pace.

“Don’t worry…. I got it….” I said as I picked the toothbrush carefully with my index and thumb and tried to avoid the slow foam as possible. It’s not that I’m disgusted with Roxas…. I just hope he doesn’t notice that I actually like him. How could I not?

He has those gorgeous eyes that stare straight into my soul. And that… Hair… Ever so silky. And his voice, like a soothing lullaby from a newly made music box.

I hadn’t noticed but I was still holding his toothbrush for the past five seconds and noticed Xion snapping her fingers in front of my face. At front, Roxas’ hand was already gesturing for the toothbrush, wondering why I hadn’t given it to him yet.

“Oops! Silly me…. I was mind-travelling….” I said as I now gave it back to him, smiling sheepishly.

“Nah, forget the toothbrush…. I have an extra one at my room….” Roxas said, turning around.

I rolled my eyes and gave the toothbrush to Xion for her to worry about.

“And just what am I to do with this?!” Xion asked me as he makes me take the toothbrush back.

You Sure You're Not A Newbie? A Roxas Kingdom Hearts One-Shot.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt