The surprise!

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So Maura asked me if I wanted to have kids with her. I want to but I also don't wanna have kids until we are married. I don't know why it's always been a pet peeve of mine. So I want to have kids and I want to get married. We haven't told anyone that we are together so maybe we should have a coming out party then at the party I will ask her marry me. I'll run the idea by Maura. All except the proposal part. I'll text her and see if she wants lunch.

J: hey there beautiful are you hungry I'll by you lunch?

M: yeah I'll be right up. Do I need anything or can I leave everything here?

J: just your beautiful self is all you need . I'll see you when you get up here! I love you babe.

M: ok coming now. I love you too baby!

I waited by the elevator and when it opened I scooted in and wrapped my arms around the beautiful woman in the elevator with me. "Maura sweetie I really do love you to infinity and beyond." "I love you too babe"

When we got to the restaurant Maura was looking at me with a confused look. "Babe what's up.? You seem a little frazzled I guess you could say or fried? Come on sweetheart you can tell me." Maura said in her sweet innocent voice. "Maura beautiful, we talked yesterday about having kids. Before you interrupt, I see that look, I want to have kids with you yes but we skipped a step. We haven't told anybody that we are together. I think that we should have a 'coming out party'. Don't you think that would be fun. It would be more of like a dinner tomorrow maybe? We can invite everyone and then tell them. I mean if you-" I was cut off by her lips lightly touching mine in the softest kiss I have ever experienced. "Jane it's ok I understand. I will call Hope and Constance and Calin and my father and you can tell Angela and Frankie and Frost and Korsak and anyone else you want to invite. I love you and you really need to not babel when you r nervous at least not in public. It makes you seem a little vulnerable and it turns me on. Jane right now I am so wet for you. I am soooo wet for you. I need you Jane. But we can't do it here. Can we go home instead if eating can we pay for our drinks and go home? I really need you jane." Maura breathed into my ear. It's dr me so wet. In a weak attempt to show hide my rising heat between my legs, I waved my hand in the air to flag down the waiter. He came over and we paid for our drinks. I picked Maura up bridal style and ran, quite literally ran out of there, I set her in the passenger seat and I got in the drivers seat. I didn't worry about seat belts or speed limits. I just went. I couldn't hold on anymore. I needed her. She needed me and we both knew it. We got home and Maura left her shoes in the car. She ran to the house and she waited for me. She was in the bedroom. I ran in and I slammed the door. I started getting undressed and left a trail of clothes from the door to the bedroom. When u got there I was struggling with my bra and I looked up and there was no Maura. I was extremely confused when I felt skinny arms wrap around my waist. I leaned into the touch. I needed her to hold me and I needed her in so many other ways. She knew it. She lead me to the bed. I couldn't help but let her do what she wanted she wanted. She had one hand on the bed next to my head and the other was teasing my entrance. "Maura I need - you -in -me and fast" I yelled as loud as I could. I wasn't trying to be loud but I need get and I need her now. "Maura I'm gonna come. I'm gonna. come. right. now." Tell me Jane what is it you want me to do. Tell me now" "Maur I want you to fucking fuck me right here right now and I am not joking please I am begging you to just.... Oh. My. God. Maura you feel so fucking good I can't even." I spoke just as she slipped her fingers inside of me. At that moment I shot up. I don't know what I was ruin king about it but I had to say what was on my mind. "Maura we can't invite Angela over for the party." "I know sweet heart I know it's ok." Maura held me while I sobbed l. I never got to fly I've the edge that time. "I'm sorry I said that earlier it's I'm not used to it yet and neither are you. I'm so sorry baby." "It's on but we gotta get back to work. We can get fired for this and we might if we don't hurry." I said as I got off the bed and I followed my trail backwards until I was fully dressed. I went upstairs and I was getting ready I couldn't help but let another tear fall. I hadn't cried for my mom in a while. I know I should I just haven't. I wiped the tears from my eyes and I grabbed Maura and we went to work. I waited until the doors on her elevator were closed before I pushed the button for mine. When I got up to the bullpen frost gave me that weird look of something is up, but he never asked. Frost and Korsak looked at me and both said "so you let having a family dinner tonight at Maura's house?" "tonight wait wagon let me see where you getting this from." Frost showed me a text message it was from Maura. It read 'hey everyone just a quick little note. Jane and I are having a family dinner at my house tonight and if you wanna you can come. Just a thought. Let me know. <3 Maura' "ok then yes we are. Um frost when are you leaving for the dinner.?" "Now why?" Can you tell Maura that I'm gonna be late I have paper work I have to finish." "Yeah of course jane." "Shit" I said as they were leaving. I need to go but they have to leave first. Ugh! Ok that's there cars pulling out let's go i have to go and fast.

At the Jewelry store*

"Hi my name is Samuel and i would be happy to help you... What can I help you with???" The young looking man said in a cheery tone. " Yes I'm looking for an engagement ring." "Oh how lovely. She must be a lucky woman. What kind are you looking for.? Design I should say." "I'm looking for one that screams I love you forever and always and it has to have black and blue in it and I have to be able to take it with me." I said in a rush. "Ok this is what I can do. We have this one here it has a black diamond in the center and then it has blue gems around the outside. I can engrave this for you. I can make it say 'I love you forever always. <3', what's your name" "jane" "ok.... '<3 jane'... Does that sound ok. You can take it with you and it will be just a few minuets to take care of that." "She'll love it. Can I look around while I wait???" "Yes of course you can it will take a couple." Ok so now I have my ring now how do I ask her. 'Hey babe come here I have a question for you. I really big question but I need you to come here.' When she gets to me... 'Maura Dorothea Isles will you marry me'... That's it that's how I'm gonna do it. "Jane your ring is ready...." The young mans voice interrupted her thoughts. She grabbed the ring and handed him the money and then she got in the car and sped home to change her clothes. She wanted tonight to be special so she I going to be wearing a dress and flats for Maura. I want to look beautiful. I am wearing a black and blue (matches the ring) strapless dress and a blue purse with black flats. I hope she will like it. As I get in the car my phone starts to go off and I open it to hear Maura screaming at me cause I'm not there yet. I told her I was leaving now and that I'm coming.

At Maura's*

I hear the laughing and giggling of my family. Of our family. I knock on the door and frost looks through the window and I tell him to go get Maura to open the door and he does so confused. Maura opens the door and her heart swells as she sees me in the dress (I can tell by the look in her face).... I look at her and it is almost like we switched places for the evening. She is wearing a Red Sox shirt I have her and a pair of deep blue skinny jeans. We look at each other and I wanted to kiss her so bad so I looked at her and said "we need to make this announcement soon cause I just wanna kiss you and I can't cause nobody no's yet." She nodded in response and I walked in and I looked at everyone and I smiled and said "everyone Maura and I have an announcement to make" they all turn to looks and Maura looks up at me and says " we are dating" and the entire crowd goes 'awwwwwwwwww' and then frost says "I knew it...." I look at Maura and I say " babe I have a very important question for you. Well two actually... One is would you like to sit down" she shakes her head and at that

Moment I turn my back and pull the ring box out of my purse. I got down on one knee and I sound around (god I'm glad I put spanks on under this)..... "Maura Dorothea Isles.... Will you marry me???? I love you forever and always." Maura stands with one hand over her mouth and tears streaming down her face. "She pulls me up and kissed me. "Yes Jane Clementine Rizzoli I will be the happiest person in the world to marry you." She takes the ring and she looks at it. "It's beautiful babe." She hands me back the ting and I'm confused and then she puts her hand out and I put it in her. It fits perfectly. We rest our foreheads together "I love you Maur." "I move you too Jane."

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