Chapter 1 Royal Pain

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My Secret Prince

Chapter One: Royal Pain

"Ohh Shadow!!!" A voice squealed. I sighed as I heard heels clicking rapidly behind me. "Did you miss me sweety?!" The annoying voice shouted as she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"No." I said as I unfolded her arms around me. I turned around to see a yellow hedgehog wearing a long puffy blue gown that had a white skirt and a glittery sheer blue over skirt. She had a small Silver tiara with a few jewels laid in the metal in her long curly quills.

"Ha! Ha!! Oh sweety your jokes are so funny!!" Maria squealed. "I wasn't joking.." I muttered under my breath. "How did you even get into my room without my permission?!" I said angrily.

"The purple chameleon let me in." She said pointing to the door. "Espio!!" I snarled. "Stupid knight!"

Maria giggled as she walked forward taking everything in. She walked over to a wall and looked at all of the pictures hung up. "Who's that?" She said pointing to an all black hedgehog with upturned quills and a puff of white chest fur. He also held a sword decorated in gold leaves on the blade. He wore the same suit I do. A black jacket with gold tassels on the shoulder and 3 gold ropes draped across the chest with a red sash draped across the chest also. Black pants with red velvet lined the outer stitch line. It also a had a long red cape attaching to the tassels on his shoulders.

"Why is this any of your business?" I said harshly in an annoyed tone. "I'm just curious!" She snapped back. I sighed and answered, "That was my father when he was my age. This one is of mother at my age also." I pointed to a picture of a white hedgehog with red markings On her legs and arms. Her eyes were red just like mine and her quills were white with red highlights throughout.

She was wearing a big ball gown that is white with a red accent in the skirts drapes. It had long swooping sleeves that attached to her finger. Her crown was beautifully curved gold with diamonds and rubys encrusted into the metal.

Maria gasped and said, "Wow your mother was gorgeous!!" I sighed and sat on the couch on the opposite side of the room. She walked up to my book case and studied all of the titles. "You love books that's for sure.." She said quietly. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes to try and ignore her presence.

"Is my Shady tired?" She said in my ear, scaring the living hell out of me. I got up on my feet with anger in my eyes. "Why the bloody hell did you do that!!!!"

"That's no way to talk to your fiancé!!" She said putting her hands on her hips. I glared at her while walking up close to her, "What did you just say?..." She huffed and got closer to me, "Sweety!! Remember?? We're engaged!!"

I pushed her away from me, "Get out of my room! Get out of my kingdom! How dare you lie to me!!" I snarled loudly. "Oh Shady!! You didn't hear the news?!" She said in her annoying 'innocent' voice. "We're getting married!!" She squealed.

"In your dreams princess." I said as I straightened my red sash. "No I'm serious Shady!!"

I spun back around to look at her. "What do you mean?.." Her smile grew bigger, "Your parents and my parents agreed that you and I are perfect to run this kingdom as king and queen!!" She said as she grasped my hand.

I pulled my hand away from her in disgust, "No! Your lying!! My parents wouldn't do that to me or at least without my permission!!" She giggled, "I know it's hard for you but trust me I'll be the best-"

I cut her off by yelling, "Don't even say it!!" I walked to the door and slammed it open, "You know your way out!" I ran down the hall, ignoring all of the maids and servants trying to calm me down.

I bursted through the doors to the throne room where mother and father sat, talking to some peasants. "Oh hello so-" father started.

"You made a big decision, one that I am very upset with!" I spat through clenched teeth. "Oh so she did find your room, we were going to tell you personally but I guess not." Mother said sitting up straighter. She got up from her chair and walked down the marble steps with the clicks of her heeled shoes.

"She is the perfect match for you, don't make this more dramatic then it needs to be." She said as she laid her hand gently on my shoulder. "You are twenty now, you need to marry."

I swiped her hand off of my shoulder and replied, "But why her!! Anybody but her! You should've at least consulted my opinion before making this decision!" I looked over to father who held his hand up, signaling for all personnel to leave the royals to business. It also meant for me to shut my mouth.

He remained in his relaxed position and his tone stayed mellow, "Don't disrespect your mother and our authorities."

"I can't believe this!! Mother! I thought you hated queen Annabel?" I said in disbelief. "We made this decision to bring our kingdoms together." She said calmly.

"How much did they pay you.." I said with a plain expression. "That is irrelevant." Father said in a more annoyed tone. "You will marry princess Maria and that's final."

I looked back to mother. Her smile faded into a sad expression when she felt how much I hated Maria and how much dishonor she was receiving from me. "You betrayed me mother." I snarled loudly.

"I will not marry that unworthy hedgehog!" I said as I went to the doors. "If you can't acknowledge my feelings and my authority, then you cannot acknowledge me as your son!" I yelled as I opened the doors to the courtyard.

"Oh stop this foolishness son!! It's just a marriage!!" Mother said walking towards me with clicks following every step. "No! I already had to stop four other marriages to four princesses that I was 'betrothed' to! Now this is the fifth and last princess I'm going to not marry! I'm never going to marry!!" I yelled.

"Shadow!" My father snarled as I slammed the door. "Guards!! Seize my son!!! Now!!" I darted for the gate as I heard shouting behind me. My red cape flowed behind me as I ran as fast as I could. "Get him!!" A familiar voice said behind me. As I ran I looked over my shoulder to see Espio, my personal knight, mighty, another knight, Silver, another knight, chasing after me.

"Please! Let me do this! We've been friends since childhood!" I yelled to the three knights leading the pack of guards and knights. "I'm sorry Shadow, but we cannot betray the king and queens orders." Silver shouted.

"Goodbye my friends.." I said as I pulled a statue over, making them trip and create a domino affect of people. I turned around still running and smiled. I did a sarcastic salute to my friends and turned back to face where I was going.

The gate was closing but I slipped under it. 'I'm free!!' I screamed in my mind. I smiled wide as I ran through the small village. People were staring at me and recognizing me but I ignored them and pushed through the crowd.

I came to the forest's edge and stopped. I looked over my shoulder to see in the distance were my three friends and the guards running. "Halt!!" Mighty yelled.

"Sorry my dearest friends.." I whispered under my breath. I turned back and ran into the thick forest. "Forgive me.." I whispered....

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