Chapter 1 - Intro

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It was in the magical town of Faversham that we set our tale in, where the sea is sparkles and the fish shimmer in the shallows of the sea. Where the people are friendly and everyone is up to have a conversation, there's a town that runs in a straight line through the entire town, and a fun fair is guaranteed to be present everyday from June 'til the end of August.

We focus on two boys of completely different standards and different kind of friends. (Except Ryan, Ryan is friends with Jack as well, some serious bromance there)
Their place in the world is completely different.
Their family relations are different.
Their entire lives are almost completely different (except for football and technology)
But somehow they managed to find love and long standing friendships in each other, with only a few difficulties along the way.


It's the last day of school for the year 12s at HighTrees High school and College.

And the students are all discussing their plans for the 60 day holiday, let's go and see what it is Matt is up to with his friends.

- So Boyo what you gonna be up to in our time where we're allowed to do nothing and 'ave fun? - Ryan enquired from Matt

- Eh, probably go in the sea and shit, - Matt replied

- Nah mate, he'll be on 'is PlayStation talking to that mystery unspecified person- Cam(eron) stated to Ryan, causing the group of 14 to start laughing and Matt to hesitantly laugh but nod all the same.

- honestly mate probably, unless they like still have shit to do and I have to wait till the evening too early morning to play with 'em. - Matt admitted. - what about you all? -

- I'll probably go hang with my little Welshy friend - Ryan replied.

- I'm going over to America , you know Ohio, to see Rosie, and Yazmin - Cam(eron) replied, - wait what... welshy? -

- Yeh mate, he's my neighbour, we play street footy, - Ryan answered simply.

- Nah, if he lived near you, shouldn't he go to our school? - Tom questioned

- He does, the adorable geezer, Welshy is that small kid - Ryan answered whilst smiling.

- Small Geezer? - Matt questioned looking slightly confused - Oh that kid who's the youngest in the year that only really talks to them two girls? -

- Yeah, that's the one - Ryan nodded - real cute he is, but he is great shooter, right, you know I'm the head of the team and get awards and shit for not letting a single ball get through, right, he gets like all of his goals, it's crazy -

- shouldn't we ask 'im to join the team then? - Dan(ul) asked.

- Nah mate, the others probably won't appreciate a gay kid being the goal scorer that beats everyone - Ryan stared.

A sudden silence shut up all the boys.


- Aye Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaa! What are you doing over the summer? - Jack asked as the two were waiting for Lauren to come out of her class.

- Errm, sorry Hun, this time I can't have you and save you from the father, my mum is forcing us to all go on holiday for a 'family trip' - Tia replied sadly.

- ... Oh... I'm good don't worry I'll hang at the beach and in the Internet cafe - Jack replied hesitantly.

- ... - Tia didn't know what to say so she just stayed silent until Lauren literally pounced our of the class... screaming!


- Laurr... - Jack mumbled when he noticed all the people looking at them.

- sorry daaaarling - Tianna replied almost sarcastically - I can not wait until I go to Ohio and NYC and maybe even Virginia this holiday, omg Rosie is gonna flip when she sees me! Apparently her friend from when she lived in England is coming to see her as well! And Yazmin is gonna be there and Riley and West! We're gonna have soooooo much fun! I can't wait to tell you all about it when I come back in 5 weeks! -

- yeh.. - Jack murmured

- Can't! - Tia stated enthusiastically - Im going on a trip to China and New York.. maybe I'll see you there but who knows, but I'm away until the week after we're ment to be back -

- Oh My God! We need to meet up when we get there! Can you like tell me when you're going to New Yooooork? -

- Yeh! Let's go round mine and we can ask my mum and arrange it - and with that the two girls left together seemingly to completely forget about Jacks existence.


And thus the take begins

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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