A Touch Of Magic

40 5 2

9 years ago

Music, beautiful music awakens me. I heard the piece before; I think my auntie wrote it. I climbed out of bed and started to dance to it. My feet swayed to the pretty music as I tiptoed outside of room and into the living room where my daddy sat on the piano bench. I grinned at him; my daddy looked at me and patted the seat next to him.

                I ran towards him and sat down. Warmness flickered in my heart as my daddy looked at me. His bright green eyes lit up as he continued to play. My daddy glanced at me and smiled but he then looked down at the piano. I watched him play, his fingers dancing across the keys. I saw his eyes closed as he kept going, as he fell in love with the music. He often does this; sometimes it feels like he is one with the music. I closed my eyes too and something inside me ignited. I listened to the wonderful music and my head nodded to the music. Soon the piece ended and I slowly opened my eyes. My daddy stood up and he rubbed my head.

"I just love that piece. Anyways, I think it is time for you to get ready for school. I'll make pancakes for breakfast, how does that sound?" His eyes lit up as he looked at me. A proud smile was evident on his face as he walked out of the room.

                "Can I play with Hana?" I asked, hope played into my eyes. A picture of my little sister filled my mind. My daddy laughed and said "After you get ready, my little princess."

I smiled and pranced out of the room and into mine. My room illuminated when I turned on my light. I opened my closet and picked out some clothes for the day. I went into my bathroom and was about to brush my teeth when something in me clenched together. I gripped onto my chest and fell onto the floor. I screamed from a great pain and heat flashed across my body, radiating itself against my flesh. I felt myself loosing conscious and my senses started to fade away. I heard someone screaming and I turned around, hoping to tell him or her to stop but I only saw my daddy's worried face, tears running down his cheeks. My eyes slipped a little more, the pain was slowly fading away, bringing an awful silence in my body. I heard my father whispering something and I sluggishly looked at him. His eyes were closed and his hands were stroking my hair. Blackness urged me inside to give in, and I willed it to come faster. I laid my little head on the cold tile floor and I lost conscious.


"I don't know what happened, sir. She just fell and... sir she is too young. Please stop the growth. Please, I am begging you. They can't find her, they... will take her."

Daddy's worried voice traveled through my body. I tried calling out to him but something stopped me. It felt like a wall, trapping me inside my own body. My eyes would not open either, it felt like glue was sticking my eyelids together.

"You know I cannot stop it. It has already started. My advice is to take her and her sister and run, as far as possible and start over. Get new names and hide. They will eventually find you and your family but at least it will give her time to grow and mature, even if it is a little bit."

My head started to hurt, what were my daddy and this other person talking about? What's growing and whom are they trying to hide from. I tensed while thinking about leaving. I could not leave my toys, my room, and my friends. What about Georgia and her new puppy? She wanted me to name her. My chest tightened, where was my baby sister, Hana? I need her, her smile lighted up my dark mind.

I felt someone sit next to me. I must be on my bed. A warm, tough hand rubbed my forehead and a whisper sounded next to me. "Joe, stay with me. I promise I will keep you safe. I love you so much and so does Hana. Stay strong for me please."

A pretty melody was being sung; it created peace in my mind. I slowly felt myself loose conscious again and fear sprung out of my beating heart.

"Joe? Can you hear me?" That was not daddy's voice. "I need you to calm down. It's going to be okay, alright darling?"


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