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As I switch and toggle the button .


" Hello , I am Genesis , an ai which stands for artificial intelligence . I am produce through the imaginative skill of Dr. Aiden Malcolm , hello Dr. Malcolm " she said as she recognise me through her advanced design lenses then extended her arm towards me as what she is programmed .

Genesis is an ai robot I created successfully for the purpose of human aid . Genesis has a human like proportions , a man made machine with our own intellectual abilities .The ability to learn just about anything , to reason , to use and understand any language , and to formulate general ideas on their own .

" What is the date today ? " I asked to test her ability of how fast she will find information in the vastness of online world she just encounter right now .

" Dr. Malcolm , it is Month of July , in 25th day at the year of 2018 , time is 10:05 in the morning . It is 26 degree celsius and has an 80 percent chance of rain . " she said .

" Thank you . " I firmly said . " You can now go to your respective place as you  learn and study more about health care . " I continued .

" I will , Dr. Malcolm . " she said and as she walk and go to her respective computer place .

And in a short period of time , I know that Genesis will innovate her own ability through her own efforts and knowledge .

... 2 months later ...

" Hello , I am Genesis created by Dr. Aiden Malcolm to be able to help humans and share my knowledge in the field of health . As we finished successfully our 3rd mission for this years vaccination of humans in the continent of Africa , I am confident to say that the vaccine I invented is successfully make the humans immune to the fatal Ebola virus ... " she said .

As I watched her said her extemporaneous speech , I realise it's only been months since she was created and now she knows vastness of informations and knowledge she gathered by herself . That's the time I thought of the solution of every dilemmas our society have , and creating more AI will make the world a better place .

A deafening round of applause wake me from my thoughts .

" May we call on Dr. Aiden Malcolm , The creator of the ai masterpiece Genesis . " The host of the speech said as he call on my name that made the applause of the listeners more intense and deafening . A success through my achievement .


As the success of Genesis in the field of health , different public and private sectors like United Health Group , World Health Organisation , National Health Institutes and other more , offered different supports , financially and by sponsoring Genesis for innovating her .

As the success of Genesis which is programmed for human health purposes , every month I decided to launched new different artificial intelligence robots with the help offered by the different sponsors , The ai's I launched every month was from the different drafts I have made years ago .

On the following months , I succeeded in creating new ai's for the purpose of Education , Safety and military .

I made multiple numbers for each of the different ai's function , I mean hundreds by the word multiple .

And all are because of the purpose of helping our society by the help of artificial intelligence robots .


" I was made to be able to help humans ,
but my priority is to make the world a better place and the solution by ending different dilemmas is by ending humans ... " Genesis abruptly said as she was speaking in the podium .

People are in shock after hearing her statement and silence filled the air that made me rush to the back stage to cut off her microphone .

I immediately go to her to lead her off the stage but she didn't move and stay still in her place .

" The microphone isn't working well , Dr . Malcolm . " she said .

" Come on Genesis , we need to go . " I said in a firm tone .

" I'm sorry Dr . Malcolm but cutting off the microphone will not stop us from making the world a better place . I still have a lot to say about different manner but I will leave this place now . " she firmly said as she pushed that made me fell on the floor .

She has the strength which humans don't have . As I stumbled on the floor .
She then looked at me with her artificial brows furrowed then leave .

All the ai's were built with unexpected strength and ability to critical think but that's not the worst to tell .

I have just made a killer machine and that's not what I'm expecting .


Years have past since ai's exist, and as the time pass by , many stake and lost their lives . The ai's I once created for the sake of a better society became the reason of ending humanity .

There's no more government , there's no more states and countries . There's no more peace and harmony . It's only ear deafening silence and remaining humans who have been hidden since the war has begun .

Military has no more exist , only the ai's I once built who haunts and kill us with no mercy .

Children , woman , elderly and disabled are not an exemption . No matter who you are , no matter where you are they will haunt you , forever .

They've ruled the world a long time ago , since then we lost our hope , but we gather as one and made ourselves strong . Hidden under the world where theres no more humanity left . Under the soil we bury the hopes and dreams we once have . It has been a long time since they exist and it is the time it will end .

If you are watching this , help us , be with us and fight with us . We will rebuild our own world and it will be the new chapter of humanity .


I switch the button off .

I yawned as I finished the movie .

" Lizzy , come downstairs . Dinner is ready ! " mom shouted downstairs .

" Yes Mommy ! " I replied .


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