Chap 1

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Welcome to slutty academy for girls and uke enjoy your stay. Now there will be a lot of changes so go with it. Ok the girls are Sakura Ino Hinata Temari Tenten. The uke are Naruto Shika Neji and Gaara now that's out of the way let's get started

Everyone was in a big classroom when principle Tsunade walked in. "Class we have a new student joining us today and don't forget he is part of my family. So treat him nice. Ok? " Everyone nodded. "Ok little fox come in." The door opened and in came a boy with long blonde hair with red at the tips. He wore a half shirt that went above his belly button with long sleeves that covered his hands. He wore shorts that went to his thighs and some wedges (the boots not the actually shoes).
"Hi everyone it's nice to meet you." He had in angelic voice. "Ok what is your name?" Iruka asked. "My name is Naruto Namikaze Kitsune." he said. "Well Naruto why don't you sit by Neji. Neji raise your hand please." A boy with long brown hair raised his hand. "Oh and I forgot to tell you all that is you mess with me you will end up in the hospital." naruto said he walked to where the boy who raised his hand and sat down. "Well it's true so bye foxy and try not to send anyone to the nurses office." Tsunade said "I won't make any promises." He said.

The dining room (lunch time) Naruto pov

I walked to the dining hall when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a pink haired girl with too much perfume on. "Hi my name is Sakura Haruno and these are my friends Ino Yamanaka Hinata Hyugga and Tenten Miyaki we are the popular group of this group and we was wondering if you want to be apart of our group." She said.
"Sakura is it? well thanks for the offer but no thanks. I don't need a group to get me where I am. In my world it either work for it or don't so bye" I sai walking away. "You did not just turn down me the most popular and rich girl in this place." She screamed at me. I just went inside and went in the line and got me some sweet and sour chicken with some chicken and broccoli and some hi-c then for desert was a strawberry pie with sherbet on top of it with gummy beard on it. I went to a table that was close to the door. "Hey you mind if we sit with you?" Someone asked. I looked up and saw a red head a brown haired and a blonde. "sure go ahead." I said "so we heard from the slut group that you are new here" the brown hair said. I nodded "they tried to make me apart if their 'group' but I said I don't need one. By the way what are your names anyway?" I said. "My name is Gaara no Subaku and these are my siblings Kankuro and Temari." the red hair said. "My name is naruto Namikaze Kitsune " I said. I saw at the corner of my eye that Sakura and her friends are coming over. "Naruto we just want you to be with the civilized party and not with these barbarians that's all." She said "barbarians? we are more civilized than you are slut." Gaara said. She ignored him. She pulled my arm. I slapped her. "I said leave me alone." The whole dining hall saw this. "So you hit a princess of this school?" ino said. "Haha she a princess don't fool me I'm the prince of this school just who family made this school mine." She stared at me. I at down and finish my food "oh I like you already. Your violent." Gaara and Temari said with a smile." The girls left the table and went back to theres. Everyone went back to what they were doing. Me and the others went to the dorms when I saw a little fox limping. I went to pick it up. "Aww you poor little thing come I'll ask godmother if we have animal medicine." I said holding it. "There Is the fox." Someone said. I look up and saw men running towards me not stoping I flipped in the air so they wouldn't crash into me. And they ran into the wall I landed in a crouch. "What are you doing to this poor fox he did nothing to you?" I said "that thing has a dark past we kept it so that it wouldn't hurt nobody anymore." A boy said. I turned around and went to the infirmary and patch us the fox. It looked at me and rubbed against me. "I'll take you ok so those meanies won't hurt you. Ill name you after our great folk tail of our families Kyubbi" the fox liked it and I smiled.
"Come let's get your tag and we can get you some food."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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