Training the class for the festival(Long)

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They were in their rooms, sitting around, bored as fuck.

Then something hit Izuku.Wait...Shit..Why did betraying class 1-A feel like a bad idea now..?

"Hey guys.."Izuku said.

"Yeah?"Dabi said,"What?"Toga added.

"I think you guys need to kill me.Like.Right now."Izuku replied.

"Why?"Dabi asked, confused.

"I think I'm getting attached to class 1-A..."Izuku hesitatingly says.

"..."The three were silent.

"WHAT!!!!!??"Toga and Dabi screamed."WE CANT HAVE THAT!!"

"I KNOW!!!!!"Izuku screamed.They kids near that dorm room were lucky that the walls were sound proof.

"Dammit.."Izuku mumbled.

There was a knock at the door.

Izuku walked to it.
"What do you wan- Oh, hello Aizawa.What do you want?"Izuku asked.

"It may be a bit overboard, but could you train my students?Even with handicaps, I'm pretty sure you 3 are still better than the my students...Sadly.."Aizawa answered.

"What?"Izuku said, surprised"Why?"

"Since you 3 are more experienced in fighting and been in the field for more than 5 years, Izuku, you being 10 years.I want you to train my students."Aizawa said, firmly.

Izuku was silent"What do I get out of this?"

"You mean WE."Dabi corrected."Yeah, whatever."Izuku answered.

"You get to leave the dorms."Aizawa answered.

"Already did that."Izuku answered.

"What?"grumbled Aizawa."Fine, then you get access to your quirks.I won't stop them, unless you use it on other students."

"We already used our quirks cooking your students dinner."Izuku smirked.

Aizawa grumbled"Thanks for the Food..Anyways.."Aizawa thinking.."What do you want?"

"The access to leave our rooms at anytime."Izuku answered.

"Why should I trust you with THAT?"Aizawa growled.

"Calm down.I'm not gonna kill your students.I actually got quite attached to them, to my dismay."

Aizawa was surprised.A villain got attached to his students?

"Why do you want access to leave your room at anytime?"Aizawa asked.

"So we can watch TV in the middle of the night and raid the fridge."Izuku said, way too quickly.

"Hmmmm"Aizawa thought."Okay.But you're going to train my students right now.I cannot afford to waste any more seconds."

"Sure.Tell then to change into their uniforms and meet them..."Izuku thought.."Where..?"

"The school training grounds."Aizawa answered.

"Great.Meet us there."Izuku smiled."Let's go, guys."

—training grounds.

"LISTEN UP!"Izuku yelled, as the students stiffen.

"You'll be fighting us, today.Every mistake you make will be pointed out by us."Izuku said,"I will be generous and allow you to hurt us.You will also be allowed to choose who you fight."

"NOW!"Izuku yelled,"Dabi!Move to the right, Toga, go in the middle.I'll be on the left.Move to your chosen target."

"In order to win, you will have to put these handcuffs on us."Izuku stated.

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