Walking Through The Woods

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Star POV:

I swung my basket almost to the point the food inside fell out as I skipped throughout the dark and ominous woods. My cloak flowing behind me like a big red cape, unfortunately I couldn't fly in it. I smelled something wonderful, other than the food of course. I stopped skipping, my golden hair falling back down to my back. I pulled back my hood and looked around for that wonderful aroma. Then I saw it, a flower!

I ran over to the bush the beautiful flower was tied to, I bent down and sniffed the petals. Then my stomach grumbled. "Um, Hungry. I shouldn't eat my grandmothers food." I looked at the basket, then licked my lips. "Well, I bet one piece wouldn't hurt." I reached towards the basket, then held it back and sighed. "No, I shouldn't."

"But what if you had, a friend?" A mysterious voice spoke from across the bush in the darkness of the trees, I cocked my head. Glowing red eyes popped up in the shadows. Then a boy stepped out and his eyes turned human brown. He had tanned skin and messy brown hair, wolf ears peaking through his locks. He smiled nervously. "You know, if you don't mind. I made nachos." He held out a plate of triangle chips with cheese sauce covering them.

"Yeah!" I yelled and jumped in excitement. "What goes good with Nachos? Milk or cookies? You know what, let's just have a picnic!" I grabbed the plate of nachos and set it on the ground along with my basket. I then grabbed the wolf's hand and pushed him on the ground, he gasped. "Opps, sorry." He cocked his head.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Well you suggested the picnic, and we both brought food." I sat down and opened my basket. "And grandma doesn't usually eat my food, I'm a horrible cook." I laughed. My hand reached out to touch the nachos and grabbed a handful of the cheesy goodness and stuffed them into my mouth. "So, but you naw?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Umm, Marco." I pulled my hair out of a ponytail and let it fall down my cloak. 

"Star." I swallowed the food. 

"Interesting name. So where'r you heading?"

"To my grandma's, I still have like a day till I get there. It would've been easier to drive but my bike broke down and we don't own a car." His brown eyes wouldn't leave me. He just shrugged his shoulders and picked up a single nacho. 

"So what did you bring?" Marco asked, I was starting to get nervous. 

"Umm, just some pie, strawberry's, cake."

"Cake please." I laughed and brought out the cake, it was chocolate, one layers, and covered with banana icing. I set it down on the ground and cut a slice for Marco. He took the piece in his claws and inspected it, then sniffed a few times. And put the whole thing in his mouth and swallowed. "Good."

"Ugh, the sun's going down and I barely made progress." I fell on the ground and groaned.

"C'mon princess." Marco was now standing above me with his hand outstretched and partially covered in chocolate cake and banana icing. "I'll help you get to your grandma's." I smiled and took his hand and stood up. I grabbed my basket and we started walking. 

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