• Chapter Seven •

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" Joon-ah..." Namjoon looked to his left to see the youngest of the bunch looking around concerned. "Are you really... going to follow through with it..." He mumbled before glancing behind him to see the Taehyung, Jin, and Jimin slowly following behind them. Namjoon sighed lightly as he looked to the other. "It's predestined Jungkook, my entire life led to this moment... It's a Prophecy and I have to follow it." He answered cleanly before continuing to walk towards the dining hall leaving Jungkook behind. The brunette shook his head as he harshly bit down on his lip, taking a deep breath. "Hey!!" His head shot up to see Taehyung looking at him, his eyes meeting the others in an almost awkward silence. "Where's Joon going...?" Taehyung asked calmly, before looking from Jungkook to the others back. "H-He's trying to find the dining hall...."

Jin hummed lightly before calling for Namjoon who turned, looking at them with a blank face. "You're going too far, you need to turn left and go through these doors." Jimin snickered as Taehyung curled his lips to hid the upcoming laughter. "For a kid of Athena, you sure don't have a sense of direction do ya?" Jimin teased, as Taehyung snorted hands covering his mouth. Jungkook scoffed as he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms while Namjoon spluttered an excuse- cheeks reddening. "The one with direction is me, I also don't break everything I touch."

"I-I do not break everything-"

"You broke your bed just by sitting on it! And what about the TABLE incident?!" Jungkook asked as Jin raised some eyebrows. "Should I be worried about him eating with a fork...?" At that Taehyung and Jimin burst out into laughter, Namjoon rushing past them with a bright red face towards the dining room. Jungkook smiled before letting it fade as he followed the Gods, and... half monster (He thinks) to the dining room. Why were there prophecies..? He took a deep breath before Jin turned to look at Jungkook letting the others head into the room. He tilted his head reading Jungkooks expression before sighing. "He doesn't know the full... story Jungkook, don't worry he won't do anything that would hurt anyone."He smiled gently before lightly patting Jungkooks head. The boy gasped, starry-eyed before smacking his hand off of him. "Don't treat me like a child!"

"Jungkook, compared to my age you ARE a child..."

"Not true! Your like... 30!"

"Jungkook I'm over two thousand years old..." He paused before looking at Jungkook who was attempting math in his head. "You... does Hermes not pass adequate math skills down-"

"I'M THINKING YOU OLD A-" He paused as jin smiled devilishly. "I'm sorry what was that? You want to learn how to swim with the sharks?"

"Whoa, I didn't think you'd cook your own food..." He gawked before shoving another bite of pasta into his mouth. "Why wouldn't I? I've explored the world and learned many cooking techniques... You'd be surprised." Jin hummed as he wiped his hands with a towel. "Well, you're a God..."

"Taehyung, I'm also... I was going to say human but I'm not... I'm a lover of a home-cooked meal?" He questioned as Jimin smiled taking a drink of wine. "I'm guessing Dionie made this wine...?" Jin nodded before taking a drink if the dark maroonish liquid. "He did, I get several bottles a month. I use most of them for cooking, It's rare I get visitors..." Jungkook scoffed lightly as he wiped his face. "Its cause you're underwater. I couldn't imagine why anyone would visit something that makes my ears pop every thirty seconds." He groaned before shoveling a huge bite of food into his mouth. Taehyung hummed before taking a drink of his water, before looking back to Jin. "So... you aren't my Uncle?" He asked calmly as Jin shook his head in no.

"More like... your great great great great great grandfather..." he looked to the other as Taehyung nodded before looking back to his plate. "So... If I'm here... what happened to everyone else?" He asked quietly as Jimin looked up from his pasta before glancing sternly at Jin. The table grew silent as they all looked towards each other. "Medusa... As you know, was beheaded by Perseus... Zeus's more famous son. The others... All down the line, including my daughter, were hunted after the age of 20. " His voice faltered as he took a deep breath before clearing his throat. "Your mother didn't want you to know... But your lineage didn't die. Just because you were the first male to be born doesn't mean it skipped a generation."

"What skipped exactly- I know I'm a Demi-god... now I guess?" He asked meekly as Namjoon scoffed. "You are NOT a Demigod-"

"Watch it Namjoon-ah." Jin's voice boomed with a threat as the taller glared at the God. "You are more than just a Demigod. You have Gorgon in your blood, do you know what that means?" Jimin smiled lightly to the male across the table to him. "No, not really... but it sounds ugly. Am I going to have snakes on my head?" Jin shook his head quickly. "No! Oh Gods no, Just... abilities. Medusa was able to turn people to stone with just one look, and over the years the ability became weaker in a sense. My daughter was able to turn people to stone as well as wield water as a weapon. However, her granddaughter could only freeze someone in place, and couldn't use water. Its different for each person with the water wielding... I don't know how that works exactly, but I know that as the descendants continue on, her curse dies with it." Jimin nodded his head as he took a nibble of his bread before looking at an anxious Taehyung. "Jin why don't we pause this for now...? I think today has been a roller coa-"  He paused before the color drained from his face, Seokjin stiffening in his seat.  Jungkook looked up from his second helping of food, as he swallowed wiping his face. "You okay..?"

"H-He couldn't..." Jimin mumbled lightly as he slid under the table. Jin watched the smaller before he stood. Muffled yells began from outside the hallway, Seokjin turning to face the door. Taehyung crouched and moved under the table as well- reaching for Jimin's hand as he swallowed. "We can sneak into the kitchen Jimin... Please pull it together..." He whispered as the smaller nodded nervously as Taehyung listened quietly. 

"Hey what's going-"

"Jungkook, Namjoon. In five seconds Hades will be here, Don't say a word about him." As the sentence finished, the doors burst open. A short, pale man took a deep breath before setting his piercing red glare on Jin. "YOU."

"Well, Hello there Yoongi. It's been a bit, did you crawl outta the depths of Hell for me?" Yoongi growled lightly, the room started growing colder. Jungkook whimpered lightly as Yoongi took a deep breath. "Where the fuck is my husband?"

αףυαяιυѕ • ιи • вℓσσмOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora