Episode 1: Scandalously in Love

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      ...Anne is walking into school, as per usual. She sits at her desk and starts talking to Diana and Jane.
Gilbert is on the other side of the classroom talking to Charlie Sloane, his best friend. Gilbert says,

"I've had enough of this, I love Anne, and I can't keep doing this to her and myself."

Charlie replies,
"You haven't talked to her for four months, it seems like she's over you, you should get over her too."

Gilbert says,
"I know Anne, I know when she's hiding something, she's just not herself anymore, she's actually sad. And I could never get over her, I just have this feeling that we belong together."

Charlie replies,
"Nobody belongs with anybody, it just doesn't work that way."

Gilbert answers,
"Yes, maybe for you, but me, I know I belong with Anne, I've known ever since she hit me with that state. I feel like I'm going to lose her forever, you wouldn't understand."

Charlie says,
"Yea, I don't understand, and I don't think I ever will. If you don't want to answer me then wherever, I'm over your girl drama."
Gilbert turns around to face the other way. He's staring at Anne, thinking about how heart broken she must be.
Just then, Billy walks into school. Billy has been tormenting Anne almost every day since Josie and Gilbert got together. Anne has learned to just blow it off and ignore him. Jane even started a rumor that Billy likes Anne, and that's why he's always mean to her.
Once Billy walks in, he immediately walks over to Anne and Diana, he says good morning to Diana, she snarls at him. Billy hovers over Anne and says,
"I know you started that rumor about my liking you, don't even lie about it."

Anne looks up at him and says nothing, but Diana shoots a confused look and says,
Billy gives Anna a smirk and says,
"Oh, you didn't even tell your best friend hun?"
Diana says,
"Billy what are you talking about? Anne tells me everything, she would never start a rumor."

The conversation is now taking Gilbert's and everyone else's interest.

Billy smirks again, he is now almost completely hovering over Anne, it's starting to make her uncomfortable.

Anne softly says,
"What rumor?"

Billy replies,
"Don't act all innocent now, I know you started a rumor that I have a crush on you—"

Jane interrupts by saying,

Billy ignores his sister and continues,
"You honestly think I like you? Who could ever like a freckle faced, carrot topped girl like you? You disgust me."

Diana says,
"Get lost Billy, Anne didn't start that rumor, and you certainly didn't have to make fun of her. What a pig."

Tillie agrees with Diana and tells him he's not welcome on the left side of the room anymore.

Anne is trying to hold it together, and Gilbert is fighting the urge to punch Billy in the jaw.

Gilbert is about to get up and confront him, when Miss Stacy walks in and tells everyone to get ready for class. Billy smirks at Anne, and then again at Gilbert. Gilbert is absolutely furious, but he just clenches his jaw and turns back around.
Anne looks like she's on the verge of a mental breakdown.
Class starts, and Anne is the first one called on to read the first stanza from the poem they're reading.
Anne starts to read, her voice is cracking, she's shaking.
When Gilbert notices, he goes cold, he hates seeing Anne upset. Anne finishes reading, and glances over at Gilbert. At this moment he was pretty sure his heart had skipped a beat.
It's now lunch time, Miss Stacy goes to the back room and the girls start trading their lunches.
Billy walks over to Anne once again.
Everyone is staring, and Gilbert is getting worried.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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