Twenty Nine

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New Girls💁🏼‍♀️

With one swift movement, Daisy closed the dishwasher and sighed In finality. "All done," she smiled over at Brahm. He kissed her cheek and held her hands in his, looking down at her. "What?"

"I'm just glad we're together again and that you're healthy."

Daisy smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him tenderly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you," she whispered sadly.

"I know, Dais, it's alright. I just really want to make sure that there are no secrets between us anymore; I want to be open and honest all the time." Daisy nodded and hugged him close, taking in a bit of his masculine cologne. "May I make a wardrobe request, m'lady?" She giggled and nodded, pulling away from him. "My jersey, whatever shorts you think make your legs look fantastic, and pull that hair up."

"Your jersey?"

"They let me keep it," Brahm beamed. "It's hung up in the closet."

"How did I not notice?"

He shrugged and kissed her forehead, leaning back against the island. "What do you say, my flower?"

"I shall grant your request," she said, nodding in finality as she went to scour the closet for Brahm's Jersey. She slipped on the familiar material, smiling at the memory of first wearing it. The ringing of her phone broke Daisy from her thoughts. The caller ID read Reece and she snickered. Reece only called her when he needed advice about his new conquest. "Yes, playboy?"

"Ha. Ha. So funny. Listen, I need your help," he said, sounding almost panicked.

"Of course, when do you not?"

"This is serious, Daisy, I have a date tonight. A real date, and I need her to see that I'm an honest person."

"Are you though?" She could practically feel Reece's eye roll.

"I want to be, ok?" Daisy felt the mood switch from playful to serious in a matter of seconds. "This girl is different for me; she makes me want to be better, for her. I've never felt this way before and I just need help."

"Ok. Here's what you do; do you know her favorite flower?"

"Tulips,"he answered immediately, without a second of hesitation.

"Get her some tulips and ask her to dinner and don't invite her over to your place afterwards either," Daisy ordered, slipping on a pair of dark, jean shorts.

"Why? We won't have sex."

"It implies that's what you want."


"Do you want that?"

"Strangely, I haven't thought about it at all."

Daisy was dumbfounded at Reece's declaration. Reece hadn't thought about sex with a girl.... "Wow, That is strange. I'm proud of you."

"Yeah, Yeah, Thanks. I just really like talking to her, you know? She's the first person, well besides you, that hasn't thrown themselves on me."

"You're intrigued by her," Daisy teased as she knotted her hair on top of her head to reveal Brahm's name. "Any other questions?"

"What if she says no."

"Then give her the tulips and ask another time. Don't give up right away; we like a man that's persistent, but not annoying."

Reece sighed. "Ok."

"Are you writing this down?"

There was a pause. "No...maybe."

Daisy giggled and shook her head. "Good luck, Reece."

"Thanks. I'll let you know how it goes."

They said their goodbyes and hung up. Daisy smiled at her reflection in the mirror and made her way back to the living room where Brahm was. "Yeah, man, that's great. What's her name?" She snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Brahm smiled and kissed her cheek, listening to who was on the phone. 'Dylan' Brahm mouthed. "Yeah. So, where are you going?" Daisy nodded and retracted her arms, walking around the couch to snuggle with him. Brahm wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead. "Well, we look forward to seeing her. Bye." He hung up and looked at Daisy. "Dylan has a girl."

"Reece has a girl too! Next thing you know, Lana will call me and tell me she has a boy!" As if on cue, her phone rang. "Oh my, God, it's Lana!" Brahm laughed as Daisy answered, "Who is he? What's his name?!"

"Whoa, Whoa, What?"

"Everyone's getting hitched and you're next."

Lana laughed, "Yeah right. I called to ask if you saw Reece's new girl."

"No, who is it?"

"It's Tilley."

"Tilley?! Tiny Tilly?!?" Daisy 5kught back to the scrawny, brunette the straight across bangs. "Wow." She was hella smart and quiet; how the hell did she end up with a guy like Reece? "What about Dylan's new girl."

"Oh. He didn't tell you?"

"He was on the phone with Brahm. Where is he; do you know?"

"He's here."

"At your dorm? Why?"

"I'm the girl," she whispered.



Cute little ending to this chapter, huh?

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