♥Chapter one♥

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"Hey Commie."

The Brit said sleepy eyed as he walked downstairs. He'd woken up at 12 pm as usual.

He saw Tord curled up on the couch, he was expecting a response.

"He's probably still sleeping."

Tom said to himself before disappearing into the kitchen.

Tord wasn't sleeping, he'd had an anxiety attack and was curled up in attempts to hide his face, he didn't want Tom to see him cry, he didn't want to be made fun of.

Tom shuffled back into the living room, yawning, coffee mug in hand that was plastered with designs of cats. He sat on the recliner sipping his coffee and flipping through the channels on the television. He couldn't find any thing he really wanted to watch so he just left it on a random channel and went on his phone.

He scrolled through it for a few minutes before the sound of a sniffle caught him off guard. It came from Tord.

"Hush now baby there's no need to cry, Let me wipe away those lemons eyes."

"Tord what's wrong?"

The Norwegian teen wasn't expecting Tom to be concerned, he thought he'd just laugh or ignore him. But, he was actually concerned.

"N-nothing im okay."

Tord said wiping his eyes with his hoodie sleeve.

"Come on Tord I know that's not true, you can tell me,"

"It's not that big of a deal, just another anxiety attack, don't worry about me."

He said still visibly a tad shaky.

Tom pulled him into a hug, in attempt to comfort him, he's never hugged Tord before. It was kind of nice.

The sudden hug surprised Tord, but was comforting.

"All your worries such a waste of time, you can't even see how much your mine."

Tom had this certain feeling around Tord, he just didn't quite understand it yet.

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