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Sunshine and glittering water. Just what is needed after going on a mission.
"Captain, the foundation is checking in on you." My first mate told me. She had my holotome.
"Hand it here." I was given it and i opened it and Mets was doing better. "Long time no see. Did you miss me?" I asked. Im a weird guy. I tend to tease my friends and allies.
"Very funny. How did the mission go?" He asked.
"Considering i have more titans in my pouch and a few organization people below deck, i would say it was a success. Anyway. Im heading to my land home now to question them. I confiscated their titans and have them in my cabin."
"Alright. I will be there in three days." He told me. I shut it and handed it back.
"Put this back and make sure we are heading in the right direction. Italy is our current destination." I told her as i stood up, my boots making a thud sound as they hut the wooden deck. I grabbed my hat and put it on and had the other three of my crew make sure we are heading to Italy.
"Ai ai captain!" They all chanted in perfect sync and got to work. In case you havent figured it out. Im a modern pirate. Im not the kind that you think of from stories and legionds though. I go places to find titans of all sorts. And im also appart of the Huntik Foundation. I go on missions with my crew and we find dangerous people from the organization and find out precious information about them. Im a master at persuading people to talk.
When we got to shore, me and Naia, my first mate, jumped onto the dock and tied the ship to the posts and made sure it was secure before the three we caught were lead off. Those who know me here in Venic knows that this is just for questioning.
"Matthias, Drew, Carter, gaurd the ship!" I ordered them and they soluted before boarding again.
When we got inside, i tossed one of them into the only empty room and had Naia make sure the other two behaved. She may seem cutsie or vulnerable but shes a rather skilled and dangerous seaker. I respect her for being able to kick my ass in sparring battle. Anyway, i grabbed my sword and sunk it into the wall next to his head.
"You have one chance on telling me everything you know before i get violent." I told him calmly with my normal smile.
"I will never say a word!" He told me. I sheeved my sword and grabbed a gun and went yo the other side of the room by the door. I have made this home indestructable from the inside and outside. I aimed it.
"Remember this. My left hand is rather unreliable. Especially after what happened to it to make it twitchy. I could shoot you or shoot next to you or into a corner. You wont know. Especially from this distance. Wanna tell me now?"
"Never!" I pulled the trigger and shot right next to his head. I loaded it again and did this until he spoke. I dont like to use magic so i never really do until i need to. I noted it down and released him after wiping his memory and did this for the other two. I used my holotome to contact Mets.
"I have everything that you needed to know sir." I told him.
"Very good! You really are reliable. Stay there until i arrive to collect the information."
"Very well. I will remain the week." I told him and he signed off and i put my holotome on the coffee table. I dont really like being in cities... Its troublesome... But naia loves being in anything that has buildings close to each other. Shes weird. Since the rest of the crew are loyal to the ship, they like to stay on board so i have them gaurd it. I chose Venice to be our base because of all the water. In order to get to my land home, you have to find an ally that has stairs going down and keep following that path until you find more stairs leading upwards and my door is at the top of them. Its hard to find but the water below is nice. Especially since the ones who lived here before had clear floors right above the water. I have claimed that area as my sleeping quarters while here.
"Naia, inform the rest of the crew that we will be docking for the week for information trading and restocking." She nodded and left.
When i was walking around by the water ways, i was knocked into the water.
"Sorry!" A highschooler shouted. I got out of the water, caught up to him and grabbed him by the back of the shirt and stopped.
"And what gives you the idea a plain 'Sorry' will make me forgive you?" I asked him.
"I really cant talk, sir, im kinda busy!" I saw a titan and sighed. I guess i have to use magic.
"Raypulse." And the fiery energy hit the titan and sent it back to its owner.
"Now your not busy." I told him. He must be a seaker if he was running from a titan from an organization suit.
"Your a seaker too?" He asked.
"Now explain why you thought i would forgive your actions from a simple and plain 'sorry'." I told him.
"I was in a hurry and i didnt mean to push you into the water." He told me. My gaze is now even more cold. He feels scared. I know it.
"There you are Lok!" A guy shouted. "Im sorry for anything he has done." He told me.
"Just dont let me catch him again. I could have easily hurt the kid." And my normal self is back. I walked back to the canals and continued to walk around until Naia found me.
"So?" I asked.
"They are ready to defend at all costs, captain." She told me and i ruffled her hair and we headed back. And when we were near the house,i saw the kid called Lok and the suit i had just dealt with. I knocked the suit out.
"Be careful on what you do durring the day kid. You know what to do Naia." I told her.
"Just who are you and how did you knock out that suit?!" Hes confused.
"Hes Captain Lucif!" Naia stated.
"And before you get the wrong idea about me, kid, im appart of the foundation. But i do have my own means and my own ways." I had to bend over a bit. My boots make me that tall. I scared him a bit with my tone.
"Captain, dont go scarring kids. You can do that later after we are done with our job here."
"Guess your right Naia."
"If your appart of the foundation, you must know Dante Vale, right?"
"Havent heard of him. Im a man of the sea. Unless it happens with me witnessing it, i wont know it even happened." I explained and he walked with us.
"Then the title Captain isnt for nothing is it?"
"Naia! The kid is being annoying!" I complained. Im like a kid half the time.
"Im being serious."
"Kid, Captain Lucif doesnt like to be bugged by kids."
"My name is Lok and im not a kid." He stated. I let Naia deal with him.
"You deal with him. I dont feel like dealing with him."
"On it!"
When Naia got back, she decided to make us some food. This day really is horrible...

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