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When Mets arrived, he had the man from a few days ago with him.
"Lucif, i hope you still have the information." Mets told me. I gave him a few pieces of paper.
"And whoes your guest?" I asked. Im irritated and it was obvious.
"This is Dante Vale. I brought him along since he was around." I glared at Mets and put a smile back on my face.
"Welcome, Dante Vale. Its nice to meet you." We shook hands.
"Same to you. And i appologise for the intrusion." And Naia saw that she needed to get lunch ready for four people.
"Are you two staying for lunch?" She asked.
"Why not?" Dante... I want them both gone. I dont exactly like many people.
"I heard many things about you Lucif. Like your a pirate?"
"A pirate captain. Naia here was the first to be recruited into my crew. The rest of my crew is on the ship. They want nothing more than to protect it." I explained.
"Then you must know your way around the world well then."
"Theres a reason for this, right Mets?"
"He needs a guide and your the best person for the job!" I slammed my head against the table before standing up.
"Naia, go tell the others to be prepaired to leave in about ten minutes." I told Naia.
"Its a very dangerous mission across an uncharted part of the ocean." Dante explained.
"We are trying to find a long lost island a ways off the coast of Australia."
"To get to australia, you need a plane. My feet will either be on land or on a boat. The air is where i will never go as long as im alive. When im ready to die, i will row myself into the Bermuda Triangle to die." I explained.
"Who said we needed to go by plane?" He asked.
"Its harder and takes longer to go by boat. And Naia, why havent you went to tell them yet?!"
"I thinks its worth a shot. Besides. There might be lost Titans you can collect there." She told me. Fuck! Why does she have a good point?! I sat back down and sighed.
"Get me the map..." I told Naia. "If its possible, i will be your guide. But on my ship, everyone works and does something. Understood?"
"I think thats fair." I was given the map and i went to the coffee table after i ate and grabbed a few pins and some string. I found a course and figured out the quickest way and sighed.
"I will be your guide. Theres a chanal of water separating a Southern European country from Africa that is wide enough for my ship." I told him and we shook to seal the deal. A deal made on a hand shake isnt to be broken.
"Thankyou for agreeing."
"Do you have a team or do you work alone?" I asked.
"I have three others on my team." I sighed in annoyance.
"When do ya plan on leaving? It will take a week to a month to get to australia. Hope one of you can cook because Naia would like some kitchen help."
When it was time to leave, Dante had two kids with him and a woman around Naia's age.
"Glad your here. Lady, help the others on board get ready to leave, girl, go familiarise yourself with the kitchen, kid, Dante, help untie the ship." I commaneded. Dante did as told.
"Why is he giving us orders?" The girl asked and the lady did as told anyway.
"Heres how my ship works. Everyone earns their ride. I have assigned you tasks for a reason. Get going." The kids did as told before we all got on and we took off, me setting our course right before i told everyone to relax a bit.
"No wonder your the captain." The lady told me.
"Yup! He knows whats best and he has earned everyones respect. So disrespect him, you will be swimming the rest of the way." Naia got a bit scarry.
"Names." I commanded.
"Im Sophie Casterwill." The girl declaired.
"Im Lok."
"And im Zhalia. You must already know Dante."
"I met him when he came with Mets when Mets was collecting information. And Sophie, next time you act High and Mighty, you get to swim. Im the only one allowed to act like that. Right guys?!"
"Yes sir!" Everyone chanted out.
"Dont you know anything about the Casterwill family?"
"And dont you know that im Captain Lucif and your on my ship?" I asked right back. "And besides. Your lucky im allowing you on my ship after what your family has done to me and my family. So unless you wish to swim, cut the attitude."
"What did my family do?" She asked. I held my hand out. It shook and had a large scar on the palm.
"This is the smallest thing they have done. So Naia is going to be keeping an eye on you. Here that Naia?!"
"I did! Sophie, come with me." Sophie followed Naia. I went to the part of the ship closest to the water and sat.
"You know, you shouldnt be hard on Sophie." Lok...
"Go away, kid. I dont wanna deal with you."
"So what all did the Casterwill's do?" He asked.
"If you must know, her parents captured me and, since they knew our hands are our weakness, they shot, stabbed, disected and tortured this hand until i gave the info on where my brother, my last remaining family at the time, was." I told him as i showed him my hand. "Now go and leave me be." I told him. This is why i hate kids. They always find ways to bring up how i got the scar on my left hand. Its annoying and why i dont like to deal with them. He remained.
"Why are you a pirate anyway?" He asked.
"Because i like water and adventure. Just not kids under the age of 19. Now go find dante or someone else to bug." He shrugged and i sprawled out and sighed. Why did i accept this in the first place?... I decided to take a nap.
When i woke up, Carter had kicked me in the side.
"What?!" I asked. He pointed to the horizon. Storm clouds. I shot up and went to where i could be seen.
"Storm clouds at the southern horizon! Carter! Drew! Matthias! Naia! You know what to do. Dante! Lok! Go monitor the storm clouds! Sophie! Zhalia! Go below deck and come back up to report any leaks! Move!" Everyone did as told.
When we got under the clouds, i checked where we were and we were a few hundred miles off the coast of africa. A few more hours and we will need to go east. The rain started and the waves picked up. I tried to stear us as my crew manouvered the sails. Using the motor in a storm like this could be dangerous.
"We are gaining sea water fast!" Matthias informed me.
"Dante, Lok! Grab some buckets and start getting rid of sea water!"
"Yes sir!" Dante had to get Lok to do as i told them.
After a few minutes, we began to tip one way.
"All hands on the right side of the ship!" I commanded. Everyone did as told and the balance was maintained.
When we got out of the storm, we needed to start to head East. My throat hurts... Same with the rest of me. When in a storm and you have to manually steer with sails, it takes a lot to head in one consistant direction... My body is sore but i know everyone else is more sore than me.
"Naia! You and sophie need to get dinner ready! Its getting dark!" I commanded.
"Yes sir!" They went and i went to the main deck, found a wall and kicked it and a table and benches unfolded. I built most of this ship myself so i built it in mind of having a pirate crew so i made sure the table was long and the benches matched. I went to the kitchen before deck and grabbed the booze for the adults and water for the kids and weak adults. I set the table and Lok saw the booze.
"Whats with the alcohol?" He asked.
"For the adults. Children arent alloud to touch it. Understood?" He nodded and he left to help Sophie. I just went to get glasses got the drinks that may or may not be used. I still dont like this though...
By the time the rest of the crew were out drunk and Naia exhausted from running around and Zhalia had gone to bed with the kids, me and Dante were still having a drinking contest.
"You hold up well for a land dweller." He was having trouble.
"So do you." He took one more drink and he rushed to the side and puked.
"I win! Another reason why IM the captain!"
"Captain Lucif? You brought out that alcohol didnt you? The stuff from when you mixed all the strongest alcohols you could find together into one?"
"Yup! I have the list so dont worry!" I dont get drunk. Not easily anyway. "Now go get him some water." I grabbed a bottle and sat beside Dante.
"You know, you wasted some good alcohol." I told him.
"What was that anyway?" He wasnt happy with me now that he knows it burns even more and far worst coming back up.
"Just a little mix of the strongest booz from around the world. The vodka really makes it burn though."
"How much longer till we get to australia?" He asked. I stuck my hand in the water and looked at the stars.
"Judging from the water temperature and and star position, three more days till we get to Sidney." I then chugged the rest of the bottle.
"How isnt your stomach destroyed?"
"I cant get drunk. I may be legally drunk but not actually drunk. The blood of a Viking can help." I told him and he was handed some water.
"So why dont you like being on land that much?"
"Simple. The turf of the Casterwill's is no mans land for me. I only go on land when i absolutely have to." I explained.
"What do you have against the Casterwill family? They are a family of powerful seekers."
"And mine is a group of powerful and deadly seekers that can be hired as assassins and navigators. They hated my family and before Sophies parents died, they tortured me by messing with my hands sensitive nerves until i revieled where my brother, the previously last remaining family i had, was and killed him. Put the pieces together." I chugged more of the alcohol from the bottle.
"Then having her around must suck for you then." I nodded and checked my Amulets and i realised one was gone.
"Naia? Did you go through my pouch earlier?" I asked her.
"I didnt. Why?"
"Whats wrong?"
"Pray for that Casterwill girls life." I told him and he tried to stop me but i went below deck and grabbed Sofie and took her into my cabin and she was confused. I grabbed a gun a pointed it at her.
"Whats going on?"
"You have one shot at telling me where my legiondary titan, Sketel, is. Tell me, i will only make your hearing worst. Dont tell me, your blood will be the new paint." She was afraid. "And i wont miss."
"Its a ring right?"
"A ring with a gem thats dark orange, bright blue and red. The gem looks like a polished stone and puts arount the entire band." She held it out and i took the bullets out but shot it and she held her ears as she dropped to the ground and summoned my titan just to be safe she didnt damage it.
"You may go back to bed. Go before i send Sketel after you." She ran. I went back up.
"What was the gunshot?"
"I shot beside that girls head because she took this from me. Durring dinner more than likely." I told him.
"Sophie would never steal."
"She did though. And from a pirate that can easily kill her and dispose of her body." I put sketel back and put his ring in my pouch. I really hate kids...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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