Don't Mess With The Badass

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"Good Morning, sir where can I sit?" I held on to my bag's straps tightly as I rock back and forth waiting for my answer. He points at the front of the classroom by the window. Suddenly, a girl from my previous class starts jumping up and down into the room with some of her friends.


Some of my classmates started to bang on their desks and stomp their feet. Others were clapping their hands. The teacher who is still in his late 20's joined in for one chant before settling the class down. Hayley told me that the softball team won the championship for the region. It was all thanks to a girl named Jayden.

"Yo that's my seat," I look up to find someone towering over me. My heart starts to beat faster as I attempt to speak. Her dark curly hair, intense gaze, and serious demeanor intimidated me, however I pulled myself together.

"Oh really, where is the name tag on it?" I challenge making the girl chuckle to herself. She looks back at the teacher who told her to sit down somewhere else. The girl looks over the guy behind me who grabbed his books and sat in another desk.

"I'm gonna let this slide new girl, but watch your back next time." She taunts. "You're lucky I'm cool with this teacher."

I sank down to my seat as the teacher starts his lecture. Soon lunch time came and I was starving. My stomach grumbled while I pay for a pizza slice with a side of fries. I sat by my new friends that I made in my first class. Erin immediately warns me about the bland taste of the fries. Josie slides me a bag of chips instead which I took.

"I forgot my drink I'll be back," I declared making my down to the vending machines. Once I paid for my drink, the water bottle decided to hang on for its dear life. I checked the dispenser and nothing has dropped down.

"Bang on the word cola on the side," the girl from my last class speaks up not taking her eyes off her phone. I gave the machine a good punch that it made a small dent. She jumped up and laughed as my water bottle came down the dispenser.

"Whoa remind me not to get on your bad side," she jokes. "Gimme the change though. You owe me."

"No! It's my money." I scoff putting away my money. "Are you always like this?"

Before she could answer, couple of her friends sat down at the table wondering why I was here talking to her. After explaining how badly I've been treated to her today. One girl wearing a yellow hoodie that says "Lady Wolves" and black basketball shorts with the number 4 on the side started to cuss her out. Then the guy with a similar look but has "WMHS Baseball" apologized to me on her behalf. In response, I nodded walking away towards my table. I looked back at the girl who glanced back at me and tripped on a chair's leg making her snicker. At least she has a decent sense of humor towards my embarrassment.

"Basketball tryouts are next week! Girls will be on Monday and boys will be Tuesday! Get your physical exams forms completed. Good luck to all!" On my way up to get a form, the girl came up to me probably to personally apologize.

"It'll be such a shame if you get injured next week before the tryouts, New Girl." She quietly hisses in my ear.

"My name is Jailyn not New Girl. Also get away from me you're too close." I lightly shove her out the way grabbing my form. I probably damaged a part of her ego before she lightly shoves me back. "What do you want from me?"

"My seat back," she commands making me look at her. She's that petty for a seat location? "Also that change you got earlier."

I pulled out the two quarters I got and gave them to her and told her I'll seat in the back next time we have the class.

"See that wasn't so bad. I'm Jayden and nice to finally meet you, Jailyn." She shakes my hand firmly. "Also one more thing before you go, your zipper is down."

I look down only to find out I was okay, but Jayden lifted my chin up with her index finger giggling at my lost reaction.

"You're such a Dork, Jailyn."

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