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A force to be reckoned with
matched with a heart so fragile.

She was so quiet when we first crossed paths.

She was so quiet when we first crossed paths

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Chapter One


"Yes mom I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to do it," June's voice echoed through the entirety of her apartment, her ear had been glued to her phone since she had arrived at the complex, and honestly, she was getting quite tired of it.

She was exhausted from traveling, but her mom had prompted June to call her the moment she stepped off the plane. And when she didn't do just that, her mom had made sure to deliver a scolding through the phone, a long one, almost seeming like it would last an eternity.

June just wanted sleep. In her brand new bed. With brand new comforters as she ignored the outside world. And most importantly, as she ignored her mom.

But the woman currently conversing through the phone was having none of that. And June was left to sigh loudly as she sat almost limply on the couch of the otherwise unfurnished room.

She had just stepped out of an almost thirteen-hour-long flight, and her mother was drawling on about the importance of properly doing your laundry.

It had been decided a while ago, mostly by June, that she would just google it.

June sighed again, regretting her naive self for thinking that she could just ignore the missed calls being left on her phone, almost being delivered like bullets.

Oh, but it was too late now.

"Mom, I'll work something out, ok? I have to unpack right now and get some food." She tried again, tapping her fingers against the white couch in anticipation.

June had been trying to hang up for an hour now.

No avail to do so had come her way.

God was surely testing her patience.

"Love you too," she breathed out as she waited for the woman to bid her farewell. "Bye."

Her mom was first to hang up, and as she did June tossed her phone to the side before closing her eyes and leaning back on the only other piece of furniture, (besides her bed, of course), that she had in her apartment.

Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that June abhorred her mother, or that she had any other malicious feelings towards the woman that gave birth to her. It was the fact that she felt as if she were still being suffocated, the feeling she always seemed to get when she was back home.

Because the only reason she had moved so far away from the place she had known her whole life, was because she needed time off. As crappy as that sounded.

And it wasn't one those pretentious scenarios, it didn't have any ulterior or ostentatious motives. She wasn't a snobby teenager making the best of her parent's money.

Frankly speaking, June's life wasn't a gossip girl episode, no matter how much she wanted it to be.

Sighing once more, June opened her eyes and gazed at both her suitcases currently sprawled on the floor beside her.

Looking back on it, she didn't exactly know why she was allowed to travel to pretty much the other side of the world. But she did and she was... well, she wasn't exactly sure how to feel about it.

When her psychiatrist had mentioned to her and her parents three months back, that it would be a good idea to send her off somewhere far away from home, at the time, June had been more than ecstatic to go through with the idea. But when asked by Rhea, her psychiatrist, where she would like to go, June found herself in a sudden panic and blurted out in a shrill voice that Japan was the best possible option.

Looking back on it, the fact that she had chosen Japan in the first place was still an enigma she had yet to figure out.

Because even though Japan could have resembled something that came straight out of a dream, June had absolutely no idea what she was doing there, and most importantly, she wasn't absolutely sure she wanted to be there.

June shook her head, standing up from her current position and brushing off the imaginary dirt from her black skinny jeans. Her eyelids were heavy, tiredness making its presence know as she struggled to let out a loud yawn, she couldn't sleep just yet though. No matter how much she loved taking naps, June still had to go out and buy some groceries from the nearby market before exploring the city.

She still needed furniture, and she needed to figure out where her brand new high school was located. So with a sigh, June took her small pink backpack and made sure to lock her apartment door as she left her cozy residence.

Out of all the places she had visited, she had liked this one the best. It was a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment, and at first glance, you would have thought it was quite small, but it was perfect for a one person accommodation. Ever since she first stepped foot into the place, she had fallen in love with the way the sun shone through the glass panels livening up the living room. She had also loved her balcony, and she had found herself staring at it more than once ever since she arrived, she planned on decorating it whole with tiny houseplants of various arrays and different colored flowers to color up the outside. Which was painted completely white, just as the inside was.

From the moment she had first stepped foot into the apartment she pictured that this was how a home should feel like. And she was going to make damn well sure it was perfect, or the very least, her definition of perfect.

So with a last glance, June shut the door and took the stairs leading to the first floor.

She was lucky today wasn't raining since her number one source of transportation were her feet.


June Winters. Blushing cheeks. Echoing laughter. Sarcastic mind. Chapped lips. Corny puns. Dimple adorned smile. Head stuck in the clouds with no sign of ever coming down. That was okay though, it's good to dream every now and then, sometimes reality leaves a hint of bitterness we need to forget for a while. Even if it is just for one second.

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