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I leaned my head against the cold plane window, the coolness refreshing to my head which was burning hot. Saying I was nervous was an understatement, according to my mother though I have been given another shot at life, just somewhere new. Australia.

To be honest my old life in London wasn't exactly the best, I simply hated everything, my step dad was a nightmare and him and my mum are so in love they forgot I existed. They were constantly jetting off to extravagant places for a 'romantic holiday' but leaving me by myself 24/7. To be honest I'm used to it, but I promised myself that the moment I turned 17 I was out of there, and I would move in with my aunt Helen who lives in Sydney.

The seatbelt sign flashed indicating the plane was landing in Australia, so I put in my seatbelt as well as my headphones and blasted out some blink 182.

~Fast forward to after she gets her baggage~

I eventually got my suitcase and made my way out of the airport looking for Helen, but being the clumsy person I am, I tripped over someone's leg and face planted in the ground.

"Ouch" I moaned, great start Payton, I thought to myself.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, are you ok" I heard a male voice say from above me! I looked up and saw a boy around my age with bright blue eyes and blonde hair, he helped me up and picked up my cases for me.

"Thanks" I said as he handed my cases to me, to say this boy was very good looking was an understatement so I tried to discreetly fix my hair which was probably all over the place knowing my luck.

"No problem it was the least I could do, I'm sorry, again" he chuckled nervously whilst playing with his lip ring

"Don't worry about it, no broken bones eh" I joked, and he cracked a smile,

"Luke" he introduced himself, and outstretched his hand

"Payton" I replied, shaking his hand

"Payton Evergreen?" He questioned,

"Yeah, how do you know" I asked slightly freaked out

"Helen sent me to pick you up, I'm your new neighbour!" He exclaimed

"Oh good! Should we go then?" I smiled, at least I know one person in Sydney, and he's attractive!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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