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"Send her in."

My grandmothers words, made their way in to my ears, echoing through, my mind.

The doctor, didn't hesitate once and did as he was told, knowing that time wasn't something my grandmother had, on her side right now. Her doctor, held the door wide open for me, motioning for me to go inside. I immediately, jump out of my seat and headed in to the room, to face my grandmothers, pale, wrinkled body.

I took a seat next to the bed and looked in to her once, cobalt blue eyes that were so full of life, now drained of colour, as you could see all traces of life leaving them. She held her limp hand, out to me and I met her, half way there.

"Its time you knew the truth."

My ears perked up, my mind raced with millions of thoughts, each one worse than the other. " Your special."

"That's nothing new nana, you always say that." I say light heartedly, trying to lighten the mood, as well as hold back the river of tears, trying to break free.

"Yes dear, but I've never told you why."


"When you were just, a little girl, you could do things impossible for any normal human, to achieve."

My heart began to race, not knowing what the outcome of this would be.

"We took you to a... special friend of mine, we showed her what you could do and all she said was that you were the chosen one, different from the rest, open to all realms and possibilities but, a time will come when you would have to use your skills and reach your full potential."

"Nana what are you saying."

"Shay do you remember those dreams you'd tell me about?"

"Yeah, the ones where I would have all these powers an- nana no."

"Don't fight the truth, my dear its the truth."

"Why, why tell me now?"

Anxiety took over my body as, my grandma continued to speak, I let the tears roll off my cheeks, not listening to what she was saying, I looked at her a final time and the last thing I heard was.

"My house that's where you'll find it."

"find what?"

As the words left my mouth, a long beep followed along. My eyes meet the heart monitor and my heart drops to the pit of my stomach. I start to cry hysterically, as a the rooms starts to become swarmed with nurses, all screaming and shouting, things I don't understand.

I was eventually dragged out of the room, tears staining my cheeks I knew she was gone and reality had just slapped me across the face when I remembered what she told,

All I knew was in that moment I had to make her proud wherever she was, I know she's watching.

I then began to realize my grandmother lives in, Oklahoma she was just in, Texas for treatments.

As soon as I got home I began, to pack my stuff and book the next flight to Oklahoma.

this is going to be one hell of a ride.

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