Chapter 1 - Mia

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           I stood in front of the huge wooden doors to Greenview High School, watching people rushing around me and into the building. Suddenly my friend Alison was at my side. 

           "Are you just going to stand there?" Alison said. 

           "I don't know, maybe..." I shrugged. 

           "Well, there is this rule... you kind of have to be in your seat by the late bell, so you should probably scoot your butt to class." Alison grabbed my hand and pulled me through the doors to the giant school. We walked through the hallway holding hands, and I felt like everyone was looking at Alison and me. 

            "Lookie here... Lesbian Freshmeat." Someone whispered to a blonde haired girl. Blondie laughed.

            I rolled my eyes and kept walking, Alison did the same thing. We had no time for High School Mean Girls. Even if we confronted them and said that we weren't Lesbian, just best friends, they wouldn't listen. 

            The kids in the hallway continued to stare at us straight to homeroom... (I don't know why... I mean, mind your own business...) Luckily, Alison and I had the same homeroom class. I don't know what I would do without her. 

             We tried to take seats next to each other, but this huge, chubby kid plopped down his backpack in the seat just as I was about to sit down. Alison got up from her new chair and went to go find two new ones.

              "Saved." The chubby kid said. 

              "Oh yeah, I know..." I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically. 

              "Well, obviously you didn't know in the first place because you tried to sit down." The kid responded. 

              "Oh my god, does it ever end?" I slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand and dramatically dragged it down my face. 

              Alison laughed. She was watching my squabble with the chubby kid from across the classroom, where she had found two desks for us to sit. I walked over to her and sat down in one of the two empty chairs. The chubby kid was still looking at me. 

              "What was that about?" Alison questioned. 

              "I don't even care," I giggled, "All I know is that I hate people who save seats... its just some stupid kid that doesn't want us to sit there."

              "Woah, Mia, chill out." Alison sighed, "It's only the first day and that kid you were just arguing with is already on your enemy list..."

              "No one's on my enemy list!"

             Alison and I chuckled just as the bell rang and the teacher, a short, round man with a white beard and a mustache, rushed into the room. The chatter in the small classroom immediately died down and the teacher grabbed a piece of white chalk from a package in his drawer and wrote some words on the board. 

             "Welcome to homeroom!" He spoke in a scruffy voice. But a kind one. "I'm your teacher, Mr. Benson. And I'll be with you all year."

            There were a few snickers scattered around the classroom, but Alison and I didn't laugh. 

            "This is not the only homeroom, though, surprise! I will also be your teacher for history... so whenever you're in my class... consider this a history class!" Mr. Benson boomed, "I hope you are all enthusiastic about history!!!"

           Alison quietly sighed next to me, sulking. 

           "What's up?" I whisper. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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