Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Trapped

"The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again." – Charles Dickens

The early morning traffic stilled time, letting my memories seek attention. I pushed them down as the radio roared. I faintly registered the sound, but the rhythm felt worlds away. My mind raced to Jake's smile, brighter than the touch of dawn. His hands, fitting into mine with a cruel perfection. And his brilliant eyes, that never saw me like I dreamed. Until they did, only to wish they hadn't.

I jumped as a horn blasted behind me. Throwing my car into drive, I speed past the newly turned green signal. I crouched lower as the car that was behind me came by to pass me, shooting me a dirty look as he sped by. I groaned and focused on the rest of the way to school.

Another round of traffic in the form of teenagers pushed through the entrance. I fell into line with the chaos, spotting familiar faces near the classroom.

"Fine, you were right," Karman grumbled under her breath as she and Rose approached Eliza.

"You'll have to be more specific. That's not a rare occurrence," Eliza replied easily.

"Right about what?" I encouraged as I joined the group.

Rose laughed at Karman's set glare before answering me. "That elephants can't jump."

Kamron threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "Why the hell do all cartoons make it seem like elephants are athletic? My childhood told me elephants could fly, dammit! And they can't even jump?"

"Dumbo is hardly a reliable source," Eliza remarked. I laughed with Rose, as Karman began accusing reality of ruining her hopes and dreams.

I glanced up and caught a familiar form. Kace was laughing as he came around the corner with a group of guys. He wore a fitted jacket and jeans, making even casual seem well put together. Not to mention it was impossible to not notice his white teeth. There were unnaturally white. Like he lived on a planet without hot Cheetos.

"Hey, do you know anything about him?" I interrupted, nodding my head at Kace.

"The one near Tweedle dee and Tweedle dum?" Eliza clarified as a pair of twins approached Kace. I nodded, scrunching my nose at how they practically threw themselves over him in a fake trip.

Rose leaned in, dead serious. "He's such a player that board games are attracted to him."

I chuckled, laughing as Karman flicked Rose on the side of the head. "But I've never heard of him?"

"You've also had tunnel vision since elementary school," Karman answered.

"George Lucas once said that 'Your focus determines your reality,'" Rose chirped.

Karman paused, thinking of a way to debunk Rose's famous quoting habit. "So you're telling me if I don't focus on a hungry lion in front of me, it won't eat me?"

Rose glowered as Karman cracked up at her own explanation. I calmed down the pair and gestured us to class. Taking one more look at Kace, I caught him promising the girls that they'll be screaming his name tonight.

I mentally barfed at the thought, walking into class to distract myself. My attention fell on Rose's yawn, and I mentally prepared a list of things to throw at her when she fell asleep.


Most of the day went smoothly, as per usual. But I wasn't surprised when I caught myself in another race to the exit after Calculus. I had taken so many twists and turns that I had gotten myself lost in the maze of a building.

Shattered But StandingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora