Chapter Five

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"Sir, we have completed the testing phase and have determined that it is a success. This new and improved drug can lower myostatin levels on regular dosage. Therefore, our subjects will now have a more imposing presence than ever before. Not only that, but we will also be able to read and control thoughts effectively. This drug even acts more quickly than its predecessor, 'Project XII.' "

"Good; then we won't be needing the teenagers anymore. Have the effects worn off completely?"

"Yes, we are positive that is has."

The two men walked towards the laboratory-the same laboratory where the trio was being held. Just as the men entered the laboratory, Johnny awoke with a puzzled expression on his face. He looked around trying to figure out where he was.

"Oh, I see that you've finally come to, Mr. Johnny."

"Who, err...who are you?" Johnny asked.

"Oh you don't remember, do you?"

The man turned and walked towards a scientist sitting at a desk and began talking to him rapidly. Meanwhile, Shawn and Katie began to awake with a similar confused expression on their faces. They looked around the laboratory trying to refresh their memories. 

"Anyone remember how we got here?" Shawn questioned.

"No, all I remember is that we were trying to fight off a robot. I'm not sure what happened after that." Johnny answered.

After chatting amongst themselves for awhile, the gaps in their memories started to get filled.

Suddenly, they realized that they were in grave danger. The other men who were in the room then weren't around anymore. This was probably the only chance they had of escaping. They were strapped tightly to what looked to them like dentist chairs. They struggled to figure out how to break through the metal cuffs that bound their limbs to the chairs. After a few minutes of pointless pondering, their defeat seemed inevitable. Just when they thought things couldn't be any worse, the same man who spoke to them several times before walked through the door.

"I'm so glad to see that you'll are up and talking so joyfully." He said, giving them a sinister smile.

"So what, are you going to kill us now? Or why don't you just tell one of your robots to do it?" Shawn retorted.

"His temper seems to be getting the better of him," Johnny thought, "it might be best to stay silent."

The man cackled loudly. "Is that what you think? Oh, my. What stupid children! I honestly can't believe that you haven't figured it out yet!" After a moment's pause, he continued, "You're curious? Alright, I'll tell you. Stupidly enough, none of you realized that we would be watching all seaports and private airports from which any boats and helicopters can sail to or land on this island. After all, we can't risk tourists discovering our nefarious activities. And so when one of our lookout men, who was stationed at the marina-yes, the same marina from which you three had stolen the boat spotted you, he knew you three were up to no good. And of course, who wouldn't recognize the famous teen detective, Johnny!"

Shawn and Katie stared at Johnny in bewilderment. "What is he talking about?" they asked.

"Poor Johnny, have I let the cat out of the bag?" the man said with a smug smile.

Johnny ignored them; he had to keep the man talking until he could figure out how to escape. "What did your lookout man do after he saw us?"

The man, eager to talk, continued, "He was given orders to follow you and to report back to us. When he realized that you were heading for the island, we ordered him to drug the lot of you; and not with any ordinary drug. Using the drug called 'Project XII', we were able to read some of your brainwaves. You see, brainwaves change according to what we're doing and what we're feeling. For example, whenever we could read Delta brainwaves, we knew you were asleep; like that time on the cruiser. Of course, this drug was just in its experimental stage and that's the reason why you saw the robots; but in reality they were just hallucinations."

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