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The rest of the day went by faster than what Michael expected. Luke was there to take him to every class, and give him encouraging words. He also would sneak in little cheek kisses making Michael's cheeks turn a bright red before he entered a class. It seemed like a perfect school day besides lunch, but they were baby steps into something bigger. He was in his last class, and it was pure torture. He wanted to be out this class so badly. One of Tucker's friends was in his class, and he could feel the panic rising.

"Hey you." Tucker's friend said tapping his shoulder. Michael whimpers, and scoots farther away.

"Come on there," Tucker's friend says sighing. "I'm trying to apologize."

Michael tries hide in his hoodie, burrying his face in his sleeves. He didn't want to trigger another panic attack in the middle of class.

"My name is Sam. I'm really sorry that I let Tucker do this to you." Sam says. Michael stays silent, a blank expression on his face. He hears Sam bang in his desk making Michael jump.

"This is all my damn fault. I should have just helped you. I should have tried harder to stop Tucker." Sam says. Michael looks up.

"You were the one that tried to stop Tucker." Michael says. Sam nods. Michael bites the inside of his cheek.

"Thank you." he finally says. Even though Sam held him against his will when he was punched almost to death he wasn't the type of person to stay rude.

"Don't thank me for anything." Sam says softly. Michael shakily puts a hand on his arm.

"I get it. You did something you regret, but all of us make mistakes. It's why we have to learn from them." Michael says. Sam looks at him with watery eyes.

"How can you be so kind? I held one of your arms as Tucker relentlessly punched you." Sam says. Michael shrugs.

"I guess it's just that you don't seem the violent type, and I bet Tucker threatend you didn't he?" Michael asks. Sam nods.

"See. Everything is ok, but you might get expelled after today. I don't know how this is going down after school today." Michael mumbles. Sam nods again.

"It's ok. I understand. I just wanted to let you know I'm extremely sorry." Sam says. Michael nods.

"You're forgiven." Michael says.

The rest of class him and Sam made small talk finding out about each other more than just the bully's right hand man, and the shy boy in the corner. The bells rings, and they pack their stuff.

"When we go to the principle's office please don't take offend to what's going to happen." Michael says. Sam smiles.

"I deserve what I get for hurting you. Be careful around Tucker though he doesn't take things lightly." Sam says. Michael nods, and they walk out the door together. Luke was waiting at the door just like every other class a huge smile on his face. It immediately drops when he sees Sam.

"You." he spits. Luke pins Sam to the wall.

"You think you're the king around here huh?! Beating on innocent people who have done nothing wrong to you!" Luke screams. Michael starts to pull at Luke's arms. He's never seen Luke so angry. One minute he was calm and happy and now he looked like he was about to break Sam's skull.

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