10~ Austin

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According to Simon, I was sober enough to steer the dog... but not sober enough to drive my car. After saying goodbye to Mal, he had snuck out to say but to Efiáltis.
"Do you want to take the painting home?" She asked me, her arms around my neck.
She was taller than Simon, being able to stand on her tiptoes to reach my shoulders.
"You never give away art, though." I stated, pulling away to look her in the eyes. "What's different?"
She tilted her head to the side, a grin on her face. "He's your boyfriend! If you want his painting, you can have it." She giggled. "I will definitely be painting him again!"
I smiled, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "I love you."
She turned on her heel, starting off in the opposite direction. She paused for a second, looking over her shoulder when I spoke. "I know."
Simon was laying on the Hound, staring up at the stars.
"You ready?"
He looked at me, his glasses catching the moonlight and twisting it into a blinding glare. "Yep!"
The painting was tucked carefully under my arm. It rubbed against my side as I walked, one edge pressed painfully into my side. I set it gently in the back seat and climbed into the vehicle.
"So, uh, how do you know her?" Simon asked, his eyes on the approaching road.
"Mal?" I laughed, cocking an eyebrow. I quickly realized that I never explained who she was. "She's my sister."
His jaw dropped. "You're kidding?"
I shook my head.
"But she's so pretty... and nice. And you're... well, you're you!"
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" I whined, gently smacking his arm.
He giggled and pushed my hand away, not wanting to take his eyes off the road.
"So you'll drive with one hand, but you won't take five seconds and look at me? I am hurt." I pouted in mock hurt.
"Whatever, dude." He laughed back, rolling his eyes.
I made a huffing noise and reached for the radio. Heavy metal blared through the speakers, causing Simon to jump. I laughed and sang along, the words familiar in my head.
To my surprise, I caught Simon tapping his fingers in beat, his lips mouthing the words. Wondering what he sounded like singing, I turned it up a bit, playing air guitar while I sang, hoping to encourage him.
As the song switched, his eyes lit up. He reached out and turned the volume dial up more. This time he sang.
His lips moved with speed as he matched the fast tempo of A Skylit Drive's cover of Love The Way You Lie.
I stared at him as he followed along, his voice never faltering. My jaw dropped a bit when he started screaming, his voice dropping multiple octaves.
Is he not perfect?
He's mortal, Oleander seemed to scream inside my head.
Mentaly, I stuck my tongue out at him.
If Simon noticed me staring, he didn't acknowledge it. He seemed lost in the music, his voice echoing behind it.
As soon as the song finished, I turned the radio down.
"Where did you learn to do that?" I asked in awe.
"Practice, I guess..." He replied, blushing deeply.
I smiled and turned it back up. At this point, he sang along with every song. He had a great vocal range and his way of growling the lyrics...
You are not allowed to think of him like that, Oleander suddenly yelled out, breaking my concentration on him.
Like what?
Sexy. That's where you were going. We share a mind you know.
His voice is sexy. He's more on the adorable side of things.
Whatever, he snapped.
I turned to face the window, resting my head against it, concentrating on the sound of his voice. Quietly, I sang along, pushing the seat back a bit. I rested my arms on the rests.
I jumped a bit when I felt something brush my hand. Glancing over I smiled at a flustered Simon, who's hand was now laced with mine.

(Authors notes will now be bold or italicized)

Heya lovelies,
I'm so happy with the increasing amount of views here. Thank you all so much!
I just received my first fan art for this book and I couldn't be happier.
Thanks to my best friend, -CaffeinatedHearts- for this lovely drawing of Simon's Painting.

I have to say, the wings are great!Feel free to go check out her art book for more of that gorgeousness and tag me in fanart of your own!With love, Kel

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I have to say, the wings are great!
Feel free to go check out her art book for more of that gorgeousness and tag me in fanart of your own!
With love,

Song mentioned- Love The Way You Lie// A Skylit Drive.
I do not own this song.

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