Chapter Two: Meeting My Counselor

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I started to inhale and exhale every second to calm myself. When I stepped into the office I saw a counselor in particular that seemed in some way remarkable to me. like God was telling me that she is someone special. She was petite like 5'1", had dark brown wavy hair, goofy printed boho pants, and brown complicated strappy gladiator sandals on. I handed the main office lady my note, but she didn't say a single word she simply pointed to the door next to her. She handed me the note and I walked in to another counselor smiling bright at me. I closed the door behind me and sat down in the chairs that were next to her desk.

She stood up and let out her hand for me to shake, so I did. She smiled Hi, Mariah i'm so excited to meet you, my name is Ms.Brown and sat down in her blue quilted spinning chair. I think she was trying to get to know me, because it totally felt like 101 questions. She asked me how so far my day was going, I said fine. She asked to describe myself in three positive words and three negative words. So I did. I started with the negative, because it was the easiest. I talk too much. I'm observant. I'm too sensitive and emotional. She smiled and said tell me something positive about yourself.

In that moment I shut down and intensively started to think. She looked at me and said What about if I help you out? Well you obviously are very polite and kind. And I've seen your last report cards and in my definition you are a very smart girl. Then she asked me about how my home life was and immediately I said perfect!  Because I felt embarrassed being the only kid with divorced parents.

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