Snooping Isn't Worth It

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Heyyyy, I'm sorry for the lack of requests I've been doing, been in a creative funk and WILL DO THEM it's just I really love writing my own bursts of ideas every once and awhile cause they're far and few lol. anYWay I know I've done a request similiar-ish to this but I just really loved it and every once and awhile I'll get this spurt of energy where I'm like "dUDE I lOVE ClauDE he's the worst, wife me up". I'm sure none of you probably get that, haha, but like, of course I bully him but his character is really likeable to me and I think my crush on him is partially cause we're opposites and I can vibe with that tbh. And I decided to add that huge fear to bugs/insects due to MY OWN MASSIVE FEAR OF THEM that causes panic attacks so why not.

Despite his strange tendencies, his coldness to people, and his glares he shot everything and everyone, Y/N found themselves liking the spider demon. Sure, he could try and smile for once in his life, and his weird obsession with the still very adolescent young Ciel made Y/N want to keep child protective services on speed dial, but they saw something in him no one else did. And that somewhere, in that cold, demon body of his, there was a heart, capable of beating for someone. Perhaps for Y/N. And sure, maybe that heart in itself was a little cold to the touch, and the true warmth that came from it was from your fingers. And just as the Grinch, it was three sizes too small, but with a little light into his life, they could nurture it and warm it right up.

Or, so, that's what they believed they could. He was a handsome, tall, gentleman that some women would kill for. With his yellow eyes that seeped into the souls of those he looked at, and a smirk that always tugged at his lips. His hair slightly curled and the same color of black that you'd find on the soles of your shoes, and his skin a great contrast of white. He was a beauty, no doubt. But any hopes of a potential lover was slim as he scared all those who dared off.

Except for Y/N. You see, what seperated Y/N from the rest of his admirers on a conquest of love, is that Y/N was motivated by something other than his enchanting looks. It was who he was.

They did everything they could to find out. Aging him on with questions. Sneaking up on him and watching his dance performances that mimicked a spider weaving a web. And eventually, leading into the demon developing a great fascination with them. As soon as he saw they weren't after his looks, or what they could profit off of from him, but it was that they were motivated with something much more terrifying. And a lot more thrilling. An interest into who he was.

So, ever so slightly, he'd let them in. But in return, he'd find out bits about them that interested him. He couldn't deny it, he had began to take an interest in Y/N in return.

That's all it how started. Now, it leads up to present day. After the math of what the curiosity in each other soon turned into a great love for each other.

It was the first time Y/N had been invited to Claude's home. They were beaming. A wide smile etched across their skin, practically glowing with excitement. They really had earned the title of being courted by him, and this little endeavor signified it.

Bounding on the door soon led to Claude opening and greeting them with about as much happiness he could muster; a lack of a smile but his eyes did show some kind of joy when he looked at them. "Took you long enough," Claude greeted almost grimly, but Y/N had grown to learn that declaring his undying love for them was not in his list of strong suits.

"Don't act so disappointed, I know you're excited to see me!" They took a step in, squeezing his hand gently that had rested by his side.

Claude smirked a bit. "Oh? And what tells you that, detective?"

Y/N turned a bit took a him, winking, before clearing their throat. "Well you see gentleman... As Sherlock Holmes, I know human emotions well. Yours especially in particular. I have studied your behavior closely and noticed that while you do not outright admit your feelings, you are always happy when I'm around."

He shot them a doubtful look.

"Well, as happy as you can be.." They chuckled a bit under their breath.

"And here I thought I was seeing Y/N and not Sherlock Holmes. What a disappointment today's been." Claude had said, pausing a bit to rethink if this admittance of his feelings were a weakness to himself.

Y/N grinned, knowing exactly what he meant. For once, they'd been able to get Claude to admit in some way he liked them. A rare accomplishment on their part, but just as worth it as it would have been if in abundance.

"Now, I'll excuse myself to get tea set up. You can go do all the snooping I know you've been waiting to do." Claude said, and with a wink, he disappeared off in the opposite direction Y/N planned on heading.

With that, they parted down the hall, still smiling over the rather small, but meaningful feat. They wandered into various rooms, but all of them had a rather minimalistic look. Not much to look at, simple indeed, but still pretty in its own right. Y/N hummed a bit as they wandered into the last room that lined the halls, opening it's doors, all with high hopes of expert snooping. As they swung open the door to find Claude's bedroom, they knew they hit jackpot. Y/N was excited to look to see what kind of night time life Claude lived, before stumbling back and yelping once they saw all that lined the walls. Spiders. Live spiders. In every corner, niche, closet, crevice and surface all Y/N saw was the disgusting creepy crawlers.

Y/N had a distinct memory of disclosing to Claude their view on bugs. They of course, could recognize their purpose and the good of them, Y/N could appreciate that, but in no way could they ever grow to like them. They wanted bugs to be as far away from them as possible. As spiders got closer and closer to pouring out of their little nest of a room, Y/N inched to the door quickly before slamming it. Their breath had quickened and before long large tear drops formed in their eyes and spilled down their cheeks. They were close to passing out at that point, their breath quick and unfaltering as more and more tears crashed down her face. Full blown sobs developing.

To some, Y/N may seem dramatic. But it was a real fear of theirs brought to life. And with each second, they stumbled farther and farther back, trying to create a distance between them and the door. To Y/N, spiders could burst out any minute, and that terrified them. Y/N was almost choking on their own tears at that point when their back crashed into something tall, slender, and lingering over them.

"My, my, what do we have here?" Claude sneered momentarily. He was trying to contain his own resentment for the situation, as he hated human emotion. But if he did love anything in this dull life, it was Y/N. In seconds, he spun them around, before pushing them onto to their bottom.

"Breathe slow breaths throw your nose," Claude's gloved hands wiped gently at their soaked cheeks. His voice commanding and harsh, but helpful. He remained eye contact with them, making sure the only thing they focused on was his eyes and a steady breathing pattern. After a moment, their breaths slowed and they could breathe again. He gently pulled them to his chest, showing that whatever danger had caused them this big of a scare, was over. Before quickly releasing them, as affection was not his strong suit.

"Look at you," Claude shook his head. "A real mess you've made of yourself. Such beautiful features soaked, huh? Now, what got you in such a freight, scaredy cat?"

While condescending and a bit demeaning, he did mean well. Y/N was more than understanding of his rather lack of compassionate demeanor and the way he liked to prod at those who were the opposite. In fact, they didn't really mind. As most of the time it was welcomed and humourous now and again.

"I told you," They shot him a glare, "that I didn't like bugs. A-And that room... t-t-that room is full of them."

"No, it's not." He returned their dissatisfied facial expression.

Y/N huffed, "Yes it is! It's full of spiders! Everywhere! It's terrifying! How do you live like that?!"

"Oh. As I said, not full of bugs. You said you don't like bugs. Spiders are insects." A matter of fact statement on Claude's part.

Y/N stared, eyes shooting him the sharpest of looks, before then erupting into chuckles, that turned into full blown laughter.

"You're terrible, Claude."

"Ouch." He feigned.

"Somehow, you make me like this kind of terrible." Y/N added. Before, despite any protest of physical contact that may be on Claude's part, leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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