Chapter 8- trouble

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After school*
Nina- that Alexis girl better watch it before ...
Alex- bby calm down they ain't gonna do nun they're to scared
Nina- yeah true
Carlos comes up to u an alex
Carlos- hey Nina
Nina- sup Carlos
Alex- what about me😂
Carlos-  ok srry wassup dude
Alex- thank you
Nina- so what do u want Carlos
Carlos- I was wondering if you could help me with something
Alex- with what
Carlos- um well I kinda have like this crush on this one girl and so imma need help
Alex- so y do u need Nina
Nina- because I'm a girl 😒
Carlos- exactly💁🏻‍♂️
Alex- oh
Nina- sure Carlos why not
Carlos- thx Nina
Nina- no problem. Alex u ok right
Alex- um kinda just I don't wanna be away from you
Nina- me either but I wanna help ur friend get a girl since he don't know how😂
Carlos- hey not cool😂
Alex- lmao it's tru tho
Nina- k well see u alex we r gonna go to the mall 😊
Alex- k bye I love you ❤️
Nina- I love you too 💗
Carlos- so the mall it is
Nina- so who's the special girl
Carlos- um well
Nina- what it's fine
Carlos- it's Hailey(ona)
Nina- wait WHAT 😳
Nina- so u want me to help u get Alex's ex who I wanna kinda fight but mostly that Alexis girl.
Carlos- yeah
Nina- Carlos I can't and u know how betrayed Alex will feel
Carlos- I know but I really like her
Nina- ok but if she don't like you back you know Alex is gonna be mad at you.
Carlos- yeah

To be continued...
Hope you enjoyed chapter 8💙

Blesiv and I❤️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon