Oh what is this??

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I got tagged to do a thing somehow so HERE WE GOOOO

1. Sexuality: Bi

2. Gender: The femalezzzz

3. Happy?: Yeah i'm good

4. Last Song?: The last I listened to was Breeze by The Deli which TOOOOTALLY wasn't found on pornhub heheh

5. Hair Color: Black yeet

6. Zodiac: CaPrIcOrN mOtHeRfUcKeR hOnK

7. Last Thing I Kissed: I think my phone cuz I got something to finally work on it

8. Favorite Color: A good ol pastel purple

9. Favorite Food: It's either calamari or oreos THEY'RE BOTH GREAT

10. Battery %: 36% I'm gonna charge my phone now

11. Celebrity Crush: Don't got one I don't rlly know many celebzzzz

12. Favorite Vegetable: Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato lol close enough I guess

13. Eye Color: Blaaaaaack

14. Shoe Size: Like a seven I think that means I have a BIG DI-- i have no dick

15. Dream Job: Idk yet, when I was younger I rlly wanted to be a bartender tho (i might do it at some point WE'LL SEE)

I tag these people cuz they're all I know:






Oke bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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