chapter 5

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Finally landing back in new York it was going on three o'clock and I knew I would be stuck in traffic for about an hour with these dumb asses.

Walking off the plane we all got in the truck I pulled my phone out scrolling through Instagram ignoring these niggas I was ready to go back to sleep I didn't have to do nothing but studio time for about three days than I had another photo shoot for ethink so I was tryna rest I know these niggas was gone try to pull me to a party I might go I might not.

"Yo drop me off to my car I got some to do"I said locking my phone back putting it in my pocket.

"Nigga why you always ditching us now"buddah said I mugged him and they ass.

"Because a nigga be tired I don't be feeling like going outside all the time now"I said leaning my head back.

"I feel you"wayno said."we finna be right here for a minute"he said again looking at all the cars.

I pulled my phone out and texted P that I landed but I was in traffic.

She texted back and said okay I wonder what she had to tell me that was important.

We all talked and smoked blunts in rotation until we finally made it to my range Rover I dapped all them up before I got out I was high as hell but I felt good as hell as I got in my car I put my phone on the aux cord and blasted one of my songs starting the car up I pulled off.

It took me about twenty minutes because I stopped and got me something to eat and got me some snacks sitting in my car I smoked another backwood before I got out grabbing my stuff I walked up her steps rung the doorbell a couple minutes later she opened it.

"Wassup"I said looking her over she had her hair up in a bun a tank top on and leggings.

"Hey"she said moving to the side letting me in I walked in she closed the door setting the stuff on the kitchen counter I sat on the stool she came in and sat down to looking at me.

"So what was important"I asked opening the food I bought.

"Uhh......hold on"she said getting up going to the back I started eating when she slid something over to me I looked up seeing two pregnancy sticks Making me look at her she looked nervous while biting her lip I seen what it read and it was positive.

"You pregnant"I asked picking it up she nodded slowly my high was slowly going away I rubbed my hand down my face.

""I couldn't say shit a baby wasn't in my plans but I know I helped make the baby so I was gonna do what I had to.

"Are you mad"she asked I looked at her shaking my head no licking my lips.

"Nah I helped make the baby I just don't know what to do right now that wasn't planned"I said closing my food losing my appetite.

"Yeah it wasn't planned but I also wanted to tell you that I do have another kid"she said finally telling me about her baby boy.

"That don't make a difference you know how far along you are"I asked her.

"Uhh not yet I made an appointment to see but I should be like two weeks since that is the first time we you know"she said I could tell she was still nervous.

"Do you wanna another baby"I asked she sat down.

"I don't know I mean my son is four years old I got some stuff going on with work and than you have a different lifestyle than I do I know your always busy and we barley know each other"she said I nodded understanding where she was coming from we both lived two completely different lives and a baby was coming whether we liked it or not.

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