3 stones..

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"DEKU!" Naruto yells
getting stunned with smoke as Oc collects the 3rd stone
Everyone gets stunned and frozen once he puts the stone in the gauntlet. "HAHA! you fools...you couldn't even get a scratch on me..." Ocs disappears. Everyone falls. "He...he got away..." Sasuke says. "Naruto...even with your sage...still he won't budge..."Kakashi says. "If he snaps..his...his fingers....he'd....destroy....the...whole...population.." Armin says. "SASHA! SASHA WAKE UP! C'MON!" Connie says Crying as Sasha lies there. "C—Connie....I'm....I'm fine.." Sasha says slowly. "SASHA!!" Connie hugs her. "When
Sakura gets here, she can heal you deku..." Naruto says.
Hidden leaf village
"We should check on the others, maybe they need help" Mikasa says. "Yeah.....she's...right..." Goku says with only 19% energy. "I'll...make the portal.." Goku says. "No, Yato will" Yato jumps down from a dead titan body . "Alright, portal here we make!" Yato traces his sword into a portal. Yato jumped in. Yukine turned back and
helped carry Goku. Sakura helped as well. They all went into the portal.
Titan village- outsidethewalls
"Hey guys- what happened?" Yato says. "Hey that green kid, isn't he the holder of the one for all stone?" Levi questioned. "Yeah...looks like he's down for right now..." Yukine says. "Sakura!" Naruto says. "Can you heal Deku...and did you kill oc?" "No, she cannot...she used a lot of her power on Goku, and yes, oc is dead, he will not be coming back..." Kaneki said. "...well...Oc took the One for all stone...all he need is the resengan stone that is held by me, if he gets that, he'd get the Life stone....then he'll kill everyone....just with the snap....of his finger..." Naruto says. "HE TOOK THE STONE!?" Hiyori says. "We have to keep him protected now! But without sakura's healing and Goku's strength, we are dead!" Yato looks over to Hiyori. "Hiyori, you should calm down. "Yeah, I actually agree with Yato, because he's right...I know we are in war but, we can win this!" Yukine says. "he's like the god of destruction! And Yukine and Yato! How can everyone even see you!?" Hiyori says. "Hiyori, we are from different universes, remember that! We can see eachother! And we know he's the god of destruction! But we
can kill him!"
Yato says. "We also need to destroy the ship back in Deku's universe" Mikasa says. "EREN! LEVI! MIKASA YOUR OKAY!" Armin runs up too them. "Hey Armin, where's Sasha and Connie?" Mikasa asks. "Over there, we thought Sasha would die at this Rate she was hit pretty hard..." Armin says. Sasha gets up and limps to Mikasa And Eren. Connie followed Sasha. "Hey....hey guys..you survived...." Sasha says. "Sasha, are you okay?" Eren asks. "Yeah...yeah...." Sasha replies. "Hey Deku I suppose that your name....can you speak?" Levi questions Deku as he opens his mouth. "...yeah...I-I...can speak...does anyone have....a...bandage...?" Deku asks anyone. "I do, in my bag!" Sakura reached into her bag and and pulled out her bandage. She wraps it around his eye. "What happened to him anyway?" Sakura questions. "So we were trying to protect him but we were blown away and Oc threw his spear and stabbed him in the eye, his
Aim is amazing..."
Armin answered. "Woah..." Eren was surprised. "As soon as the stone...fell....he grabbed it and we were Frozen and he disappeared..." Armin continued. "We need to kill him..." Mikasa says. "Who's getting chosen to destroy the ship...?" Yato says. "Obviously you, and Hiyori..." Mikasa says. "Alright....then......" "WHAT IF WE FALL AND DIE—" Hiyori says getting cut off by Yukine. "HIYORI STOP! we are all devastated, and what if we do actually die!" Yukine says, as silence fills the area. "Alright...I'm sorry I
"Now...Spare 2.0.....you will kill them....this time...once you get
on that Ship you'll destroy them...."
"Yes...sir...." He smirks.

To be continued ....

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